Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 10 Jan 2023, 10:54

Michel wrote:
10 Jan 2023, 07:41
Bome zanimljivo, nisam popratio ništa od toga i pokušao sam saznati jel postoji nešto iza toga ali ne mogu ništa naći ni na ovim stranicama koje pratim ni na redditu ništa. Naišao sam na ovaj video old vs new https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohmYE70LswU potpuno drugačije izgledaju starije novčanice, a ove nove stvarno izgledao kao nešto što bi bilo u new world orderu. Baš i nemaju smisla te ruke, Zemlja čudno.
Kako komentiraš slučaj sa Andrew Dawsonom?


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 11 Jan 2023, 06:15

lemonzoo wrote:
09 Jan 2023, 20:30
Michel, ima li išta o švicarskom franku? Na stotki neki lik pere ruke iznad globusa, na dvjestotki pokazuje rukama koordinate, na tisući se rukuju iznad globusa. Nisam dalje gledao.

Evo što sam našao ovo s rukama https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule i https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleming ... -hand_rule
John_Ryder wrote:
10 Jan 2023, 10:54
Michel wrote:
10 Jan 2023, 07:41
Bome zanimljivo, nisam popratio ništa od toga i pokušao sam saznati jel postoji nešto iza toga ali ne mogu ništa naći ni na ovim stranicama koje pratim ni na redditu ništa. Naišao sam na ovaj video old vs new https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohmYE70LswU potpuno drugačije izgledaju starije novčanice, a ove nove stvarno izgledao kao nešto što bi bilo u new world orderu. Baš i nemaju smisla te ruke, Zemlja čudno.
Kako komentiraš slučaj sa Andrew Dawsonom?
A i ti si vidio to. Jesi pogledao neki video ili? Ja sam pogledao ovaj tu video. Kao i mnogi u komentarima, mislio sam prvo da je fake jer ima nekih čudnih situacija koje izgledaju da su namještene ali onda je nestao. I išao sam malo dublje istraživati, neki govore da je to cell tower gore na planini i ima jedan video gdje je stvarno cell tower na toj planini ali isto tako ima zanimljivih komentara poput ovih
If it were just a cell tower, why go through the whole process of stalking him, turning him back and telling him to say it was all fake? I bet they constructed that cell tower after the fact to say he was mistaken. Why was he scared? How it is he died or probably killed? You think he would have been killed if it were just a cell tower? There is more in the morter beside the pestle.
They was able to cover up the giant with a cell tower but when he showed the portal in the sky he opened Pandora’s box and he was gonna find out more he had all our attention and they like when we ignore real stuff all they want for us to do is dance
It was all designed to fool you to believe that it wasn't something besides a tower. That tower was strategically placed there to hide what that guy was seeing
It was real, and that's why he was there. There was strange lights at the same area, and 2 helicopters that look like they might be extracting something
They made him come out and say it was all faked, then he was dead. Not suspicious at all.
Divovi postoje, to su nefili ima mnogo priča i dokaza pisao sam o tome prošle godine
https://www.horrorhr.com/tamnica/viewto ... 15#p374985 dosta tih bića poput dogmana, bigfoota postoje i mnogi danas ti istraživaći misle da su interdimenzionalna bića vrlo inteligentna. Pogotovo po tim američkim nacionalnim parkovima gdje godišnje nestaju nevjerojatan broj ljudi a američka vojska nešto skriva tamo.

There were a few other strange occurrences, like him telling some podcasters who tried to contact him "you shouldn't be talking to me" and "stay safe" but I couldn't verify it. Let me know what you think in the comments. and what are some supernatural Biblical explanations for these things and disappearances associated with them? God bless 🙏

Worth mentioning, IMO it seems like the whole CIA aspect and the car he encountered could have been faked. But the original video of the being on the mountain looks genuine. And his "update Video" and "I AM SCARED" video also seem odd and genuine to me. As well as the rest of the strange occurrences. It could all be real really. Its seems way to elaborate to all be fake.
Growing up in the woods my family has seen things you wouldn't believe, I'll just give you the words my grandfather gave me "Never go in the woods alone and never go unarmed and even if you don't see anything and your gut says leave you leave"
Nevjerojatno je koliko možeš naći sličnih komentara ispod takvih videa jer se javljaju dosta ljudi koji su išli po tim ogromnim šumama i onda dobiju osjećaj kao da ih netko stalka i promatra, sve utihne pa osjete miris mrtvog tijela pa čuju neke zvukove imaš brdo takvih primjera. Izvrstan kanal na tu tematiku je what lurks beneath https://www.youtube.com/@WhatLurksBeneath/videos i naravno missing 411 o kojem sam pisao još 2014. godine https://www.horrorhr.com/tamnica/viewto ... 45#p341045 i 2015. godine https://www.horrorhr.com/tamnica/viewto ... 11#p352743 i otad mi je to jedna od omiljenih tematika i sad nakon 7, 8 godina istraživanja tih nestajanja po šumama imam izgrađeno mišljenje o tome da postoje stvarno neka bića jesu li to bigfooti, dogmani ili nešto treće ali postoje i američka vlada zna za njih, sve se dobro zataškava ali ljudi i dalje nestaju a oni koji dožive nešto čudno, oni ispričaju svoja svjedočanstva ispod takvih videa.
Supposedly, Native Americans and early European explorers had tales of similar giants. This would be swept under the rug because it calls into question the modern, secular view on history.
Patrols going missing isn’t new, there are stories dating back many years (if you research it) of entire patrols being slaughtered and found ripped to shreds or torn in two.
What kind of predator can do that to an entire squad?
Downright scary stuff.
My dad said that he believes he's telling the truth. He heard about this when he was there. He said everybody was talking about it.
My third tour in Iraq near the Euphrates River, FOB swamp with 2/14 inf 10th Mtn. Our tower guards were over seeing their perimeter of the house we occupied suddenly saw a triangle shaped aircraft hover right over above one of the post. The guard on the post relayed that there is an aircraft right above him and that it was so close he can actually throw a rock or a pebble. The unknown aircraft was so silent , none of us heard it. The other two guards on their posts also confirmed the unknown aircraft on the radio. The aircraft hovered for about 1-2 min and suddenly zoomed out of there. There were no engine noise at all. Most of us were sleeping that night. Battalion HQ were radioed in to see if we had any aircrafts patrolling that night. There were no aircrafts at all to be patrolled that night.
Just watched this with my son who"s probably watched it more than once and I just wanted to share my two cents on this topic. Firstly, I believe the story why? Because giant creatures fitting the description of the one mentioned in this story did exist in the times of Noah (of the Bible) they were called Nephilims or "fallen angels". They were the reason for the flood in the old testament by which only Noah and his family survived. Geniuses 6:4 -13 verse thirteen tells of God's (God of the holy scriptures KJV) decision to cause the flood to cleanse the "earth" of the fallen ones. The government taken the "specimen" under secrecy isn't shocking at all either. I specified which "God" I am speaking to differentiate the "Holy" God of all creation including the heavens and the earth from the "Evil" God of this world "Satan" who fell from heaven with all those who rebelled against the holy God of all creation Luke 10:18 is on mention of many that speaks of Satan falling to earth. Our money says in God "we trust" many of our founding fathers mention "God" in famous archives statements they've spoken and written. Many if not all of them were members of a Masonic Lodge which would completely go against the God of "holiness" so ask yourself, when God is mention by our forefathers which God were they speaking of ? I promise you it wasn't the God of holiness. Read the Bible the New living translation may help newbies and do some research check out any documentary by the Faull Brothers, YouTube page End time productions as a starting point. Peace and Blessings.
I believe it really happened .There's also several stories about spec-ops units running into Bigfoot type creatures while they were training , a couple of those stories ended with the teams actually shooting and killing a few of these giants of the forest and the 'higher ups" swooped in and took the bodies and everyone had to sign the nondisclosure agreement like the one you mentioned . There's a hell of a lot more to our world than what we see everyday . These special teams guys aren't the kind of dudes who make s**t up either , so if they say it happened , and it's been covered up and redacted , you can pretty much guarantee it really happened .
Giants are mentioned in EVERY American native culture. The Journals if Thomas Jefferson, Buffalo Bill and Teddy Roosevelt all recount first hand encounter with them. Or as in Jeffersons case when building Monticello they excavated mounds containing bones

A što se tiče Dawsona, može biti fake, ali činjenica da je čovjek umro nakon toga. Neki kažu samoubojstvo (može biti namješteno od CIA ili koga je već pratio).
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by lemonzoo » 11 Jan 2023, 10:03

Michel wrote:
11 Jan 2023, 06:15
lemonzoo wrote:
09 Jan 2023, 20:30
Michel, ima li išta o švicarskom franku? Na stotki neki lik pere ruke iznad globusa, na dvjestotki pokazuje rukama koordinate, na tisući se rukuju iznad globusa. Nisam dalje gledao.

Evo što sam našao ovo s rukama https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule i https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleming ... -hand_rule
Meni se čini da oni ovim novčanicama poručuju da su glavni na svijetu ili tako nešto.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 17 Jan 2023, 20:17

Raskrinkan poznati mađioničar, Rick Lax. Apsolutno mi je nevjerojatno da takav lik ima 14 milijuna sljedbenika na faceu, a radi ovakve fejk videe https://www.facebook.com/realRickLax/vi ... 343213021/ ili https://www.facebook.com/realRickLax/vi ... 168450585/

Ali video koji ga raskrinkava je ovaj tu:

Rick Lax is like if a used car salesman tried to be a professional magician.
The fact that this guy went to college with the Tally Hall guys and was a close friend of the band is nuts to me
The fact that Rick still makes this shit and getting millions of views is depressing.
he's a smart man, he realizes how stupid the world is and takes advantage of it.
i think they only thing worse than Facebook magicians are instagram comedians
This dudes magic literally is the math problems I find in sixth grade
Drugi video :kokicarenje:

First, a hustler's gotta hustle. Next, I have no idea how he gets millions of views, he'll post something and it will already have 20 million views. That's the magic trick. Then, those self working tricks really blew people away, but being a magician I just don't think they're very good, but they get results. As for his fake magic / science videos, they're just like so many other shows.
His Facebook videos are complete cringe - the fact he deliberately drags his videos to over 3/4 minutes to get ads is pathetic
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 23 Feb 2023, 12:10

Sotonistička kabala u podzemnim masonskim hramovima jede djecu iz Konga

Michel, ajde, istraži nešto o tome. To bi objasnilo ovo u Africi.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 24 Feb 2023, 00:33

Budem danas oko 18 :kokicarenje:
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 24 Feb 2023, 10:55

Michel wrote:
24 Feb 2023, 00:33
Budem danas oko 18 :kokicarenje:
Može oko 16:30?


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 25 Feb 2023, 08:37

Nisam stigao jučer. Već par dana ne stižem ništa jer smo imali pripreme za lokalnu feštu koju smo jučer imali i lijepo smo se svi zabavili.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 25 Feb 2023, 09:44

Michel wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 08:37
Nisam stigao jučer. Već par dana ne stižem ništa jer smo imali pripreme za lokalnu feštu koju smo jučer imali i lijepo smo se svi zabavili.
Wicker man. :partyman:
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 25 Feb 2023, 15:02

Michel wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 08:37
Nisam stigao jučer. Već par dana ne stižem ništa jer smo imali pripreme za lokalnu feštu koju smo jučer imali i lijepo smo se svi zabavili.
Može koja slika s fešte? :kokicarenje:


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by hitman_4 » 25 Feb 2023, 16:30

jel bilo lakih žena?



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 25 Feb 2023, 20:41

John_Ryder wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 15:02
Michel wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 08:37
Nisam stigao jučer. Već par dana ne stižem ništa jer smo imali pripreme za lokalnu feštu koju smo jučer imali i lijepo smo se svi zabavili.
Može koja slika s fešte? :kokicarenje:
Nemam ni nešto puno slika a ove koje imam, ima ljude na toj fešti a to ne mislim stavljat online.
hitman_4 wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 16:30
jel bilo lakih žena?
Pa vjerojatno je bilo nešto, ali to je obiteljska atmosfera i bilo je od ljudi od 7 do 77 tak da...
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 25 Feb 2023, 22:53

lažeš ko bađunko


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 25 Feb 2023, 23:32

28 sati prije smo pripremali sve :P
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 26 Feb 2023, 02:20

Michel wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 23:32
28 sati prije smo pripremali sve :P
Bilo vas je 28 na fešti bratko, ja sve vidin ja sve pratin!


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