The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)

Swinging sixties, hard boiled seventies. Inspektor Callahan, Steve McQueen, i ostali.
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The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)

Post by Michel » 30 Sep 2015, 19:36



Director: John Cassavetes
Writer: John Cassavetes
Stars: Ben Gazzara, Timothy Carey, Seymour Cassel

Cosmo Vitelli owns the Crazy Horse West, a strip joint in California. He's laconic, a Korean War vet, and a gambler. When we meet him, he's making his last payment on a gambling debt. Then, he promptly loses $23,000 playing poker at an illegal local casino. The guys he owes this time aren't so friendly, pressuring him for immediate payment. Then they suggest that he kill a Chinese bookie to wipe off the debt. Vitelli and the film move back and forth between the double-crossing, murderous insincerity of the gamblers and the friendships, sweetness, and even love among Vitelli, the dancers, a dancer's mother, and the club's singer, Mr. Sophistication.

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Post by Michel » 30 Sep 2015, 19:36

The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976) - moje prvo upoznavanje sa Cassavetesom. Njegovi filmovi su opisani kao art, avan garda. Najviše ga vole studenti filma, kritičari. Jedan od značajnijih redatelja 70-ih. Film nije tipični krimić već polako dovodi do nasilja, a glavnu ulogu ima Ben Gazzara koji vodi striptiz klub. Brine se za svoje djevojke, ali i kocka pa tako kad izgubi neke pare, ostane dužan jednim sumnjivim tipovima koji te pare žele jako brzo natrag. Tu kreće priča gde ga oni prisile da ubije tog jednog kineza koji je jedan od većih faca u gradu. Film ima dušu, a Gazzaru je užitak gledati koliko nosi film sa svojom energijom.

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