The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV Series 2022- )

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV Series 2022- )

Post by Michel » 04 Sep 2022, 16:24

Action, Adventure, Fantasy


Stars: Morfydd Clark, Lenny Henry, Markella Kavenagh, Robert Aramayo
Ova epska drama smještena je tisućama godina prije događaja J.R.R. Tolkienovog Hobita i Gospodar prstenova, i vratit će gledatelje u doba u kojem su se kovale velike sile, kraljevstva su se uzdizala do slave i propadala, nevjerojatni heroji bili na kušnji, nada visjela o najfinijim nitima, a najveći negativac koji je ikada proizašao iz Tolkienova pera prijetio je prekriti cijeli svijet tamom. Počevši u vrijeme relativnog mira, serija prati skupinu likova, poznatih i novih, dok se suočavaju s dugo strahujućim ponovnim pojavljivanjem zla u Međuzemlju. Od najmračnijih dubina Maglenih planina, do veličanstvenih šuma vilenjačke prijestolnice Lindona, do prekrasnog otočnog kraljevstva Númenor, do najudaljenijih krajeva karte, ova će kraljevstva i likovi isklesati nasljeđa koja će živjeti dugo nakon toga.

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Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV Series 2022- )

Post by Michel » 04 Sep 2022, 16:31

A Shadow of the Past - prva epizoda nas upoznaje s likovima, a ponajprije sa prvim dobom ali jako kratko. Čak i spominju više puta Morgotha koji je ako se ne varam i moćniji od Saurona. Naravno, Sauron će biti glavni negativac. Glavni lik je Galadriel koja je stara u ovoj seriji 1500 godina ali se ponaša kao razmaženo derište. Tu su još ostali vilenjaci poput Elronda i Gil-galada pa Harfooti, neka vrsta Hobbita. Pojavljuje se i Stranac koji jako sliči na Gandalfa i vidi se da ima moć. Ali u knjigama Gandalf je tek u trećem dobu, ne drugom kojom se serija bavi. Sve u svemu, jaki čudan početak vizualno jako lijepo ali sve je nekako ne znam... Nemam dojam da gledam nešto od Tolkiena a i sami vilenjaci su previše prizemljeni nisu toliko elegantni 5/10

Adrift - druga epizoda je nešto bolja, priča se počela polagano razvijati samo smiješno ono sa Galadriel ratnicom :facepalm: pa skok u more pa ono čudovište. Pojavili su se i patuljci i scene s njima su mi zasad najbolje. Khazad-dum je odlično napravljen i izgrađen od strane patuljaka. Uz patuljke, jako su mi zanimljivi ti Harfooti pogotovo Nori i njezin odnos sa Strancem koji mora da je Gandalf jer mu zbilja sliči a opet možda neka zamka za nas gledatelje. I orci su se pojavili 6/10
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Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV Series 2022- )

Post by John_Ryder » 04 Sep 2022, 16:36

druga je malo popravila dojam...ali....miljama daleko od trilogije Petera.


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Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV Series 2022- )

Post by Michel » 04 Sep 2022, 16:53

Pazi ovu teoriju tko je Stranac. Sviđa mi se pogotovo ovaj dio sa Valinorom i vatra kako je hladna
I'm calling it - The Stranger is Sauron.

Episode 2 beings with Galadriel looking up at the night sky to a very distinct constellation of stars marking the spot where the Gates of Valinor have just closed. The Stranger forms the exact same constellation of stars to the The Hobbits with the fireflies. I believe he is telling the Hobbits he has come through the Gates of Valinor by proving he know’s Valinor’s location.

There are two beings in Tolkien’s world that know the location of the Gates of Valinor - the Elves and the Maiar. In Tolkien’s world the Maiar are shapeshifters and can take many forms - Sauron takes on many forms that are monstrous and fair.

The Stranger is much more powerful and durable than the elves having survived a fall from the sky. The Stranger also has an eery amount of control over nature in the similar way as Gandalf and Saruman do. His appearance as an old, bearded man is consistent with the wizards (Maiar) we know in Peter Jackson’s LOTR and The Hobbit. No Elf we have ever seen is old and bearded and as the Hobbits say “Wrong ears and he’s not handsome… not to mention elves don’t fall from the sky”.

The Stranger must be a Maiar.

We know during the second age there are three named Maiar out-and-about middle earth in this time. The two blue wizards and Sauron. Gandalf and Saruman enter middle earth in the third age so it wouldn’t be them unless the show is breaking lore.

We know from Tolkien’s works that the two blue wizards would have entered through the gates of Valinor when they arrive at middle earth in the second age. Sauron is already in middle earth at the start of the second age, however he pretends to everyone to have just arrived in middle earth as a benevolent emissary from Valinor.

The key to The Stranger’s identity is the timing of the meteor

The meteor flies over skies of middle earth at the exact same time Galadriel watches the gates of Valinor open. Since Galadriel was at the open gates of Valinor - the one thing we know about the meteor's origin is it could not have come from Valinor. We - and Galadriel - would have seen it fly over her boat in that moment. Galadriel even looks up at the sky over the gates and sees only birds - no meteor. I think the scene’s attention to the sky over Galadriel at this time is purposeful.

The meteor then flies over Gil-Galad and the elves in middle earth at the same time that the elves all knew in advance that the gates of Valinor were going to open for their ships. This is the perfect time to form a cover story if you’re Sauron and you want to look like you’ve just arrived from Valinor. Galadriel having seen the gates open with no meteor anywhere in sight out of Valinor means she will likely be suspicious of anyone claiming to have come from Valinor during this time (we know from the source material that Galadriel is the only Elf/person who is thinks something is amiss from the fair form that Sauron takes and presents to the world).

The timing of the meteor falling and The Stranger/Sauron trying to pull a grand ruse on the elves also fits Galadriel leaving - the show establishes in the first episode that she is the one person in middle earth who is actively trying to hunt him. It would make sense that he would wait for her to leave until he tries to pull his long-con on her people.

Other evidence that he is Sauron - or at least a force of evil - is the moment where the Hobbits enter the crater of fire and find it cool. In the first episode in the ice caves we learn from Galadriel that extreme evil can be so strong that even fire cannot feel warm. I doubt they would have included this detail in this scene if the Stranger were a benevolent blue wizard or Gandalf. This detail also fits with Sauron’s ring in the Fellowship of the Ring being cool to the touch even when put directly in the fireplace.
A opet mnogi spominju i
Blue Wizarde koje nikad nismo vidjeli u filmovima, samo su na kratko spomenuti u nekoj od knjiga
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Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV Series 2022- )

Post by Annabel_Lee » 04 Sep 2022, 19:32

Pogledala samo prvu, bila mi je dosadna. Vjerojatno ću nastaviti iz znatiželje.

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Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV Series 2022- )

Post by Michel » 20 Sep 2022, 02:22

Adar - naporna epizoda onaj slow motion Galadriel je sve ikad :lol: 5/10

The Great Wave - ne znam što se događa, onaj crni elf pa bježanje od Orka pa ona crna kraljica i dopuštenje Galadriel sve je nekako nepovezano nema nikakve priče. 5/10
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