Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by John_Ryder » 13 Mar 2022, 00:29

Klaus Schwab.


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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 19 Mar 2022, 04:03

Legendarni youtuber Enoch777 priča o paralizi sna i zlim entitetima koji ga napadaju. Ovo je sve istina što govori.

I još jedan poučan video

I wanted to add that this is real folks, & a lot of people are going thru this, a mass majority going thru this are not on drugs, drinking, nor have an mental condition, nor practice black magic. This is real! Its not always related to sleep paralyzes, not everything has a simple answer. Many folks are awake & turning out the light laying down & it starts. It may start out with pressing on the bed, then will escalate from there to shaking/vibrating. It means you are being visited by spirits & they want your attention for some reason. Could be your own relatives or perhaps a spirit that has attached itself to you. Do acknowledge them, ask them what they want, or, if you are not ready to, tell them you are not ready to experience this. If you feel the spirit not to be kind, use sage (smudge stick) and open your windows & ask for what ever higher power you believe in to help you & take whatever is not earth realm to leave.

It is real, it is happening more & more, I know many people believe in the spirit world but to not look silly & uneducated some will make fun of these problems, when deep down they to believe, it’s just that the world we live in today was taught to make fun of such things in-order to keep society dumb down. That’s a shame.
I've been going through this for about 4 months now and in doing much research, I came upon many articles that talk about “harassment.” They use electronics, acousticals, and high max subwoofers as means to create strong vibrations that penetrate the house and even your car. They also place small attachments to your property that work in conjunction with the same. It is happening all over and can be very damaging to hearing and the body and can also cause death. It is very hard to locate as they are portable and it is very hard to prove. Law enforcement is not educated enough in this kind of crime so they think you're crazy. Other people living in the same house may not feel it and think you need psychiatric help. It is a lonely place to be in, but please do your research “electronic harrassment" and you will find stories and other information that may help. Write and send this research to your local police department in hopes they start to become educated and create ways to fight this kind of harassment. Hope this helps!
Its demonic ,get you a Holy bible and read it aloud, call on Jesus Christ to save you emediate ly, dont wait. Your under demonic attack. Renounce all evil that has been ever created in jesus name .when you become saved you have the authority to tell the devil to get out of your home bind him in jesus's name cast him out back to jesus, Roman's 10:9-13 will help u start to come to jesus, dont try to do it in your power ,call on jesus to fill your house put on soft gospel music. Let it play 24 ---7. Read your bible everyday pray,humble yourself under the MIGHTY hand of God renounce any occultic practice, throw out and burn all occultic books horoscope s books or cards. Evil games ,harry potter pornography , violent movies, or games,, any idol such as buddhas, any clothing of gand related or rock groups, stop watching net flux or hulu or any bad movie. Ask jesus to show you
Prince talked about this in his song new world… it’s not just the bed shaking, it’s you. Idk why but it comes from within. Been happening to me since my spiritual awakening. Then I read that it happens during a kundalini awakening. Google also says Havana syndrome. Who freaking knows anything anymore. God bless us all 🙏🏾🙌🏾❤️
I’ve experienced this more than once. I also experienced one time something tugging at my spirit. I was lying down and I thought I was having a seizure or something at first but I felt fine, I just felt like my body was being pulled
Put 3 eggs in a bowl under your bed....A small bowl of salt..... 1 garlic bulb don't peel it stick holes in it with a needle , I small bowl of water with 10 drops of sage oil.everything should stay for one week ,after 1 week throw everything away..... repeat as needed.

Yes. The Chosen Ones are so peaceful, but if you push us, watch the hell out. 🔥🔥🔥

Also, get some rest and self love time, Enoch. Don't let these low level parasites stress you out. You are safe and loved by your ancestors and angels.
Had a similar experience at the gym today. Most of time it seems that I am invisible, but today these two guys I have never seen before were sizing me up, took a lot of self control to not make eye contact with them, but it seems like that's what they wanted me to do. Maybe they were agents or gang stalking.
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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by John_Ryder » 19 Mar 2022, 04:44

Jel jeo samo heroin ili i kokain?


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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by hitman_4 » 19 Mar 2022, 10:49

ahahah ludi michel sad je i narkomane počeo dovoditi na forum



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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by hitman_4 » 19 Mar 2022, 15:27




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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by John_Ryder » 19 Mar 2022, 18:05

taj je iritantan do bola, zaljubljen sam u sebe


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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 21 Mar 2022, 02:15

Novi video Enocha :supz:

I dva povezana brutalna videa sa Balkan UFO kanala.

Ehh... ja sam čuo drukčiju verziju priče, a ta govori da su naišli na nekakvog diva s kojim su se sukobili. Čak sam slušao navodni izvještaj jednog od vojnika koji je svjedočio sukobu i poprilično teškoj bitci, gdje je nekoliko vojnika poginulo. Ljudi, pogotovo danas, će svašta izmisliti... i tu treba biti jako oprezan.
Btw, ovaj Irački ministar je očigledno bio pod utjecajem spomenutih knjiga, što i nije tako neobično. I ja osobno sam bio. Međutim, treba istražiti i drugu stranu medalje, jer puno stvari je u tim knjigama nadodano iz glave autora, a što nema veze sa rezultatima arheoloških istraživanja.
Najgore je čitati i slušati priče iz sličnih izvora koji se međusobno komplimentiraju i nadopunjavaju. Treba ponekad izaći iz vlastite "eho komore" kako bi se mogle usporediti informacije i saznati prava istina, ili barem neki dijelić istine.
Npr. NASA je potvrdila postojanje utjecaja jednog ranije nepoznatog svemirskog tijela, koje se nalazi daleko u dubini Sunčevog sustava, ali to svakako nema veze s opisima tzv. Nibirua.

Osobno sam pobornik "ancient aliens" teze, ali to ne mora značiti da su sve pretpostavke o toj temi istinite, jer pravih informacija je jednostavno premalo. Čak ne mora značiti da se uopće tu radi o vanzemaljcima, već možda o jednoj pradavnoj civilizaciji koja je bila na visokom tehnološkom nivou, a koja je jednostavno nestala u prašini vremena... a možda su tek ondašnji ljudi imali neka tehnološka saznanja koja su nama jednostavno nepoznata, jer smo mi današnji ljudi, u globalu, krenuli jednim drugim pravcem u istraživanju tehnologije... tko zna, svašta je moguće.
Bit je u tome da ne treba slijepo vjerovati svakoj priči koja se negdje načuje, jer u ogromnoj većini slučajeva, riječ je tek o nečijoj izmišljotini i dezinformacijama. I to je glavna poruka za sve one koji imaju želju da se bave istraživanjem ovakvih i sličnih tema.
Odlican video kao i inace! Pokusaj obraditi temu divova na koje je navodno naletjela americka vojska u Afganistanu. Dosta zanimljiva tema. Puno pozdrava svim gledateljima kanala Balkan UFO i pazite se u ovim cudnim vremenima

Hvala Vam na odlicnim temama. Vjerujem da su postojali,definitivno.Danas postoje mali ljudi,pigmeji.Nista cudno 6 prstiju.Imaju ih i danas neki ljudi,vise na nogama,rjeđe na rukama.Ako nesto nismo jos vidjeli,ne znaci da ne postoji.Žaba zna samo za svoju baru,to ne znaci da mora i oceani ne postoje.👍
A kružila je internetom priča da su u nekoj drugoj pećini naleteli na prastaru Vimanu.. možda je blisko istini da su bili u potrazi za ostacima drevnih civilizacija i egzotičnih tehnologija. Njima je više interesantno sve što mogu da iskoriste za vojsku kako bi još efikasnije osvajali svet. Verujem da ste i vi čuli za te priče?!
Sa obzirom da sam bio i radio u planinama Kandahara od 2010 do 2013 godine mogu vam reći da se tamo može sakriti bilo što i nemoguće je to pronaći uz pomoć bilo kakve tehnologije.
I Mr.Ballen je napravio video o tom incidentu koji se stvarno dogodio nevjerojatno.

Giant 6-fingered and 6-toed (often red-haired) beings have been documented all over the world; From Biblical to modern-day. The Scriptures, specifically, name Goliath along with his brothers, and King Og of Bashan. As well as various nations around the Hebrews, also having names for these hated Fallen Angel / Human hybrids. They were called Emims, Zamzummims, Anakims, and Sons of Anak. We often call them Nephilim, the offspring of Fallen Angels (sons of God) that "left their first estate" and made wives of the "daughters of men." When these creatures die they become the disembodied spirits we call demons; Their eternal spirit having the vile nature of their "fathers."
So, with the limited information it’s difficult to say. The first squad was spread out along the mountain side when attacked vs the whole squad being in the same spot. That’s as about as much I can say the difference being because there’s so many scenarios you could throw in there as to why the first unit was killed and the second captured something. Things such as maybe it was dark when the first unit was ambushed. Maybe there’s more of those beings in those caves and the one that was captured was merely the one watching the entrance. Maybe they live deeper in the cave and the one just happened to be at a cave entrance. The list goes on and on.
I remember when I deployed to Afghanistan, the troops who've been in country a while told us to aim high. I never understood why until a few years later after hearing about this story. It definitely sent chills down my spine. I was in RC South, Kandahar Province when I experienced a few occurrences like seeing weird stuff through CRoWS thermals, like what I thought was a small cat that turned out to be some kind of cryptid known as a Kandahar cougar. Everyone who was on my side of the towers saw it including the NCOIC of the gurards. Mysterious figures, usually 2-3 people, wondering in the distance then disappearing when they were in the middle of a large open field with no cover. Footsteps under the stairs of my guard tower, that i go to see who was there and there was nothing. Coughing, laughing, whimpering in the distance in front of me. Footsteps along the HESCO barriers on the outside of the walls but nobody was down there. I believe there is a lot of supernatural/paranormal things over there.
I vojnik u ovom videu pogledajte govori o tome nevjerojatno stvarno im vjerujem to što su vidjeli

Supposedly, Native Americans and early European explorers had tales of similar giants. This would be swept under the rug because it calls into question the modern, secular view on history.
Patrols going missing isn’t new, there are stories dating back many years (if you research it) of entire patrols being slaughtered and found ripped to shreds or torn in two.
What kind of predator can do that to an entire squad?
Downright scary stuff.
My dad said that he believes he's telling the truth. He heard about this when he was there. He said everybody was talking about it.
My third tour in Iraq near the Euphrates River, FOB swamp with 2/14 inf 10th Mtn. Our tower guards were over seeing their perimeter of the house we occupied suddenly saw a triangle shaped aircraft hover right over above one of the post. The guard on the post relayed that there is an aircraft right above him and that it was so close he can actually throw a rock or a pebble. The unknown aircraft was so silent , none of us heard it. The other two guards on their posts also confirmed the unknown aircraft on the radio. The aircraft hovered for about 1-2 min and suddenly zoomed out of there. There were no engine noise at all. Most of us were sleeping that night. Battalion HQ were radioed in to see if we had any aircrafts patrolling that night. There were no aircrafts at all to be patrolled that night.
Just watched this with my son who"s probably watched it more than once and I just wanted to share my two cents on this topic. Firstly, I believe the story why? Because giant creatures fitting the description of the one mentioned in this story did exist in the times of Noah (of the Bible) they were called Nephilims or "fallen angels". They were the reason for the flood in the old testament by which only Noah and his family survived. Geniuses 6:4 -13 verse thirteen tells of God's (God of the holy scriptures KJV) decision to cause the flood to cleanse the "earth" of the fallen ones. The government taken the "specimen" under secrecy isn't shocking at all either. I specified which "God" I am speaking to differentiate the "Holy" God of all creation including the heavens and the earth from the "Evil" God of this world "Satan" who fell from heaven with all those who rebelled against the holy God of all creation Luke 10:18 is on mention of many that speaks of Satan falling to earth. Our money says in God "we trust" many of our founding fathers mention "God" in famous archives statements they've spoken and written. Many if not all of them were members of a Masonic Lodge which would completely go against the God of "holiness" so ask yourself, when God is mention by our forefathers which God were they speaking of ? I promise you it wasn't the God of holiness. Read the Bible the New living translation may help newbies and do some research check out any documentary by the Faull Brothers, YouTube page End time productions as a starting point. Peace and Blessings.
I believe it really happened .There's also several stories about spec-ops units running into Bigfoot type creatures while they were training , a couple of those stories ended with the teams actually shooting and killing a few of these giants of the forest and the 'higher ups" swooped in and took the bodies and everyone had to sign the nondisclosure agreement like the one you mentioned . There's a hell of a lot more to our world than what we see everyday . These special teams guys aren't the kind of dudes who make s**t up either , so if they say it happened , and it's been covered up and redacted , you can pretty much guarantee it really happened .
Giants are mentioned in EVERY American native culture. The Journals if Thomas Jefferson, Buffalo Bill and Teddy Roosevelt all recount first hand encounter with them. Or as in Jeffersons case when building Monticello they excavated mounds containing bones
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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by John_Ryder » 21 Mar 2022, 16:39

ma bajke


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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 21 Mar 2022, 18:04

Nisu, poslušaj to stvarno postoji. Pogledaj videa, svjedočanstva tog vojnika a pogledaj i ovaj video. Radi ti se o novinskim člancima iz 19. i 20. stoljeća koji govore i divovima sasvim normalno. Činjenica je da povijest koju učimo nije stvarna. Sve se zataškava. Video je fantastičan. Jel ti znaš daje Abraham Lincoln govorio o divovima i mnoge druge poznate osobe tog doba.

How strange that nearly every old culture on the planet has tales of giants.
I really enjoyed this because there were so many substantial historical references that support it. How many different pieces of evidence do we need for ppl to finally come to grips that very strange and different species of human have existed?
We have also had Giant skelatons found right here in Zimbabwe too. Fascinating beings.
they always say the giant skeletons have all been 'debunked', but it's also illegal to go digging in any of the mounds anymore. my guess is it's easier to maintain the current version of history if the flow of giant discoveries is halted.
so interesting and really kind of heartbreaking when you think about this part of our history being covered up. I wonder why the giants of the “old world” seemed to be much larger than the ones found in the americas. Great video, thanks
Thank you for this brilliant presentation on the Giants, Enoch is a history book concerning humanity, and the deeper understanding of ‘everything’ comes when we truly see Enochs writings with our ‘spiritual’ eyes……and is 100% linked to the canonical books…..Many are disregarding and rejecting the book of Enoch because it’s not stuck in the Bible! Those people don’t have the level of knowledge and understanding that we do and as a result they cannot connect both writings.
Back in the early 1960's, I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. My Grandma use to find these stories of giants in news papers. She would clip the articles out and kept them in a scrap book. Every time we visited her, she would read the stories to us. I can remember that she had hundreds of these stories of Giants being unearthed in her scrap book. Almost every story stated that the Smithsonian Institute took custody of the giants remains. Grandma died when I was a teenager in the 1970's and her belongings were dispersed throughout the whole extended family, so I do not know what happened to her scrap book. I wish I had it now.
This video exceeds every other documentary and study I've seen on giants. Superb!!!
Kudos to you!
Incredible video thank you. I can not believe there are still people that refuse to believe that giants existed on the earth and might still exist.

It just shows you that if some scientists can't explain something they would rather cover it up than showing it to the public because we might ask unwanted questions.
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:1–4.

There is a lot about the giants (Nephilim) in the bible if you'd like to research about it
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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by John_Ryder » 21 Mar 2022, 21:34

zašto se divovi skrivaju


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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by john_constantine » 22 Mar 2022, 06:53

Divovi.... ahahahaha
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by hitman_4 » 22 Mar 2022, 08:47

mišel sve luđi



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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 22 Mar 2022, 16:20

John_Ryder wrote:
21 Mar 2022, 21:34
zašto se divovi skrivaju
Bolje ti je pitanje zašto elita to zataškava? Prvo, divovi se skrivaju jer ih nije ostalo tako puno no brojka je opet velika i jer elita ih želi ubiti dosta tih ratnih akcija je ubijanje divova. Pročitaj si malo komentare po youtubeu od ljudi koji kažu da je sasvim normalno da svi u Asganistanu znaju za divove kod njih je to normalno i općeprihvaćeno. Drugo, moraš znat što su divovi jer je sve povezano sa Biblijom. Knjiga Enocha. Divovi su nefili, a nefili su ti potomci palih anđela jer pali anđeli kad su došli na zenmlju oni su napravili djecu ljudskim ženama i zbog svega toga se dogodio potop koji je btw. opisan u svim kulturama. Tako je Bog ubio divove ali zapravo su još živi.

E sad to ti se kosi sa elitom jer elita (sotonisti) i divovi su na istoj strani jer su to loša stvorenja no elita ih mora ubiti da bi mogli dalje ići sa teorijom evolucije, i da se ne otkrije ništa vezno za Bibliju. Pa pogledaj samo ovaj zadnji video koliko novinskih članaka i znanstvenih članaka iz 19. i 20. stoljeća ima o divovima to je bilo tad normalno ali događa se nova lažna povijest i to se zataškava. Dokazi su tu jer najveći sotonin trik je da uvjeri ljude kako ne postoji.
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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by John_Ryder » 22 Mar 2022, 16:44

Znači anđeli su karali žene na zemlji i nastali su divovi?


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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Post by Michel » 22 Mar 2022, 16:46

Pali anđeli. Tako je. Divovi rade za sotonu ali div je samo riječ, oni se zovu nefili. Zato je Bog napravio potop da ih se riješi ali oni su i dalje tu.
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