(zabavne i krvave) Horror Flash Igre

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(zabavne i krvave) Horror Flash Igre

Post by Dragonrage » 28 Nov 2006, 16:19

Zombie Grinder 60000

Instructions: The object of this game is to survive in a hostile word and kill as many zombies as you can. Use YOUR ARROW KEYS to move and jump and aim and shoot with YOUR MOUSE. Be sure not to walk into fires, fire is bad for you. Some zombies can hang on to you and slowly eat you up, that is also bad for you. Go get them!

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Ukratko, vi ste debeljko sa shutgunom koji trči i kosi zombije pred sobom. Nakon svakog levela vam piše koliko sekundi, minuta ili možda čak i sati (do toliko nisam došao) ste uspjeli preživjeti. Kvaka je u tome što lik trči sam od sebe i sve se odvija dosta brzo, vi možete samo skakati i pucati, a dok to radite morate još usput kupiti i municiju, jer ako ju ne kupite...ostanete bez nje :twisted: Uz sve to, to klanje je popraćeno žestokom muzikom, tako da je doživljaj zbilja potpun hehe :twisted: :finga: :pikachu: :pikachu:

Vi također ovdje stavite svoje prijedloge nekih zabavnih i krvavih flash igara... :finga:

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Post by john_constantine » 28 Nov 2006, 16:52

uh, već 14 minuta igram. :lol: :lol:

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Post by Dragonrage » 28 Nov 2006, 16:54

john_constantine wrote:uh, već 14 minuta igram. :lol: :lol:
Stavi sliku kao dokaz hehehe :twisted: :twisted: :snakeman: :snakeman:

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Post by john_constantine » 28 Nov 2006, 16:59

kada izgubim, još uvijek igram... :lol:

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Post by Dragonrage » 28 Nov 2006, 17:02

john_constantine wrote:kada izgubim, još uvijek igram... :lol:
Oky doky...a stavi i neki svoj prijedlog neke flash igre :wink: ....to vrijedi za sve :wink:

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Post by john_constantine » 28 Nov 2006, 17:15

Odustao sam, dosadilo mi je, pa sam se ubio

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Post by A$H » 28 Nov 2006, 19:43

baš je zabavna..a i muzikaj je onakva kakvu volim... :twisted:
It's A Bird... It's A Plane... It's SUPERA$H!!

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Post by maddjuro » 28 Nov 2006, 20:48

na www.newgrounds.com imate tonu horror igrica
I may be an idiot, but i am no fool.

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Post by Dragonrage » 29 Nov 2006, 09:18

Djuro19 wrote:na www.newgrounds.com imate tonu horror igrica
Da, ali fora je da ti sam osobno predstaviš neku koju smatraš zanimljivom :wink:

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Post by Dragonrage » 29 Nov 2006, 09:50

Evo još jedna zanimljiva....

Dawn of the Dead

Instructions: When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth....This online game was designed to promote the movie, "Dawn of the dead", the game as scary as the movie itself if played alone in the dark. You find yourself trapped inside a mall's parking area with corpses slowly gathering around you for their next meal. They are now driven by the insatiable hunger to feed upon the flesh of the living. As the world outside grows more hellish, as the ever increasing army of decomposing zombies tirelessly strive to infiltrate the grill, you battle the undead with your shotgun.

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Ukratko, ovo je igra napravljena prema istoimenom filmu, i to remaku. Bazirana je zapravo samo na jednoj sekvenci iz filma, i to onoj kada se likovi moraju spustiti u podzemnu garažu kako bi osposobili generator struje. Vi se dakle nalazite u malom mračnom prostoru okruženom visokom žičanom ogradom, naoružani shotgunom i baterijom koja osvjetljava samo jedan mali krug, a dolje lijevo na "radaru možete vidjeti s koje strane vam se približavaju zombiji. Atmosfera je odlična, samo što igrica brzo dojadi, no za prikratiti vrijem u kratko je izvrsna...

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Post by Ghrall » 03 Dec 2006, 12:04

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Re: (zabavne i krvave) Horror Flash Igre

Post by HorrorHR » 21 May 2010, 22:02

Brdo zombie killer igrica u flashu:


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Re: (zabavne i krvave) Horror Flash Igre

Post by majstoro » 21 May 2010, 22:36

Friday the 13th u Bozicnom flash smislu :D

[quote="Donnie Darko"]kupio sam WOW
ima li nade za moj drustveni zivot??[/quote]

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Re: (zabavne i krvave) Horror Flash Igre

Post by sandi » 25 Oct 2010, 23:26


meni osobno najbolja!mozes kupovati nova oruzija i sranja te ih stavljati u inventory po nekom 'diablo' principu...a i dosta krvi...dosta... :skrujufakju:
Jebem skoro svaki dan...skoro jučer, skoro prekjučer...

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Re: (zabavne i krvave) Horror Flash Igre

Post by Ašow » 26 Oct 2010, 15:46


Last days of humanity, inhume i regurgitate.
ohhh, ne znam koji mi drazi bend.
A tu igru nisam pun krtz dugo peglo.

@A$H, nisam znao da slusas grind :D

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