The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Stara škola i provjereni klasici. Od Cecile B. De Millea pa sve do Hitchcocka u punom zanosu.
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The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by elrania » 14 Aug 2011, 18:36




Director: John Huston

Writers: John Huston (screenplay), Dashiell Hammett (based upon the novel by)

Spade and Archer is the name of a San Francisco detective agency. That's for Sam Spade and Miles Archer. The two men are partners, but Sam doesn't like Miles much. A knockout, who goes by the name of Miss Wanderly, walks into their office; and by that night everything's changed. Miles is dead. And so is a man named Floyd Thursby. It seems Miss Wanderly is surrounded by dangerous men. There's Joel Cairo, who uses gardenia-scented calling cards. There's Kasper Gutman, with his enormous girth and feigned civility. Her only hope of protection comes from Sam, who is suspected by the police of one or the other murder. More murders are yet to come, and it will all be because of these dangerous men -- and their lust for a statuette of a bird: the Maltese Falcon.






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Re: The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by elrania » 14 Aug 2011, 18:53

tko nije nikada doživio bogartovu vrckavu erotičnost, morao bi to osjetiti u ovom filmu. :)
no, izuzev toga :lol: , film nudi ugodnu dozu humora, lijepo odrađene likove, dosta stereotipne, ali dobre, te klasičnu atmosferu koju grade prijevare, prevrtljive žene, ubojstva i novac.

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Re: The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by Info » 14 Aug 2011, 19:23

predobar film :supz:
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Re: The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by filmofil » 19 Feb 2012, 16:25

dobar krimić, ali ne vidim nikakvu genijalnost u njemu da bi ga se stavljalo na liste najboljih svih vremena...7/10 at best
This is the Zodiac speaking.

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Re: The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by Michel » 23 Feb 2012, 00:04

Meni je bio odličan uz fantastičnu glume Bogarta i jezivog Lorrea
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Re: The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by filmofil » 23 Feb 2012, 13:00

da, da, tu sam zavolio lorrea
This is the Zodiac speaking.

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Re: The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by elrania » 23 Feb 2012, 14:32

ja sam se s njim upoznala u filmovima s priceom, npr. the raven i comedy of terrors i skroz sam navikla vidjet ga ko lika koji pršti sarkazmom i komentira sve živo te nasmijava iz minute u minutu. i u arsenic and old lace je isti takav.
baš ga je gušt gledat i slušat :D

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Re: The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by jeba » 05 Apr 2015, 13:01

Dobra radnja, simpa likovi i Bogart kao Bogart. Da li je jedan od najboljih filmova svih vremena ili ne dalo bi se diskutirati, ali definitivno je u vrhu film noira. Meni je i dobar i napet i zanimlji i atmosferičan i rađe bi izabrao gledati taj film neko bilo koji s "današnje" kino liste.

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Re: The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Post by Annabel_Lee » 05 Mar 2016, 12:02

Dobar film-noir. Ima, dakako, i boljih, ali svakako da je vrijedan gledanja. Likovi dosta tipični, no glumci su ih odlično utjelovili; Gutman mi se najviše svidio, pogotovo onaj njegov smijeh. :lol: Humor ovdje jako dobro funkcionira.

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