The Insider (1999)

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The Insider (1999)

Post by Michel » 18 Mar 2015, 22:05

Balls-out "60 Minutes" producer Lowell Bergman sniffs a story when a former research biologist for Brown & Williamson, Jeff Wigand, won't talk to him. When the company leans hard on Wigand to honor a confidentiality agreement, he gets his back up. Trusting Bergman and despite a crumbling marriage, he goes on camera for a Mike Wallace interview and risks arrest for contempt of court. Westinghouse is negotiating to buy CBS, so CBS attorneys advise CBS News to shelve the interview and avoid a lawsuit. "60 Minutes" and CBS News bosses cave, Wigand is hung out to dry, Bergman is compromised, and the CEOs of Big Tobacco may get away with perjury. Will the truth out?


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Post by Michel » 18 Mar 2015, 22:05

The Insider (1999) - evo, ovaj nikad nisam pogledao. Zasluženo hvaljen, Crowe, Pacino i Plumer odlični, pogotovo Crowe jer sam poslije filma i malo gledao pravi intervju. Zbilja ga je savršeno skinuo. Dakle, film po istinitom događaju o jednoj aferi i zataškavanju u duhanskoj industriji koja se dogodila 1994. godine za javnost, a skrievno se događala godinama. Jako zanimljivo i u niti jednom trenutku dosadno iako traje dva i pol sata, a tematski nije neki atraktivni film.

8========o/8==========o (8/10)
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