Doctor Zhivago (1965)

Swinging sixties, hard boiled seventies. Inspektor Callahan, Steve McQueen, i ostali.
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Doctor Zhivago (1965)

Post by remike2 » 04 Sep 2010, 21:19

O filmu:
Doctor Zhivago is a 1965 epic or drama-romance-war film directed by David Lean and loosely based on the famous novel of the same name by Boris Pasternak. It remained popular for decades, and as of 2010 is the eighth highest grossing film of all time adjusted for inflation.

Glumačka postava:
Omar Sharif
Julie Christie
Geraldine Chaplin
Rod Steiger
Alec Guinness
Tom Courtenay

Lara inspires lechery in Komarovsky (her mother's lover who is a master at surviving whoever runs Russia) and can't compete with passion for the revolution of the man she marries, Pasha. Her true love is Zhivago who also loves his wife. Lara is the one who inspires poetry. The story is narrated by Zhivago's half brother Yevgraf, who has made his career in the Soviet Army. At the beginning of the film he is about to meet a young woman he believes may be the long lost daughter of Lara and Zhivago.


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Post by Michel » 04 Apr 2018, 12:57

Doctor Zhivago (1965) - napokon pogledao i ovo čudo. Tko drugi nego David Lean, čovjek koji je u ono vrijeme uz Williama Wylera bio zadužen za najbolje epic filmove. Pvdje se radi o doktoru Živagu i njegovom romantičnom putu kroz ratove partizane, zimu, dvije ljepotice. Film je očekivano odlično snimljen i odglumljen. Prva polovica filma mi je nešto bolja jer je nekako mračnija, ali druga polovica je tužnija. Omar Sharif je bio velik glumac u to vrijeme. Rijetko se spominje, ali je glumio u stvarno odličnim klasicima.

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