Straw Dogs (1971.)

Swinging sixties, hard boiled seventies. Inspektor Callahan, Steve McQueen, i ostali.
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Straw Dogs (1971.)

Post by remike2 » 23 May 2010, 19:27

O filmu:
Straw Dogs is a 1971 domestic drama psychological thriller directed by Sam Peckinpah and starring Dustin Hoffman and Susan George. The screenplay by Peckinpah and David Zelag Goodman is based on the novel, The Siege of Trencher's Farm by Gordon Williams. The film's title derives from a discussion in the Tao Te Ching which likens the ancient Chinese ceremonial straw dog to forms without substance. The film is noted for its violent concluding sequences and a complicated rape scene that critics point to as an example of Peckinpah's (and Hollywood's) debasement of women. Released theatrically the same year as A Clockwork Orange, The French Connection, and Dirty Harry, the film sparked heated controversy over the perceived increase of violence in cinema. Remaining controversial, it is nevertheless considered one of Peckinpah's greatest films. The film premiered in US cinemas on December 29, 1971.

Glumačka postava:
Dustin Hoffman
Susan George
Peter Vaughan
T. P. McKenna
Del Henney

Upon moving to Britain to get away from American violence, astrophysicist David Sumner and his wife Amy are bullied and taken advantage of by the locals hired to do construction. When David finally takes a stand it escalates quickly into a bloody battle as the locals assault his house.


But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Re: Straw Dogs (1971.)

Post by john_constantine » 23 May 2010, 19:40

Prvim gledanjem sam bio razočaran filmom jer sam očekivao nešto drukčije, s obzirom na njegove filmove (ono, revenge tematika), ali drugim gledanjem baš odlična okrutna drama. Ali prejako ono što sam čitao, Sam je inače već imao probleme s alkoholom, ali to što je izjavio glumici koja završi silovana "čekaj samo kada te tvoji roditelji vide u filmu". :mrgreen:
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Straw Dogs (1971.)

Post by remike2 » 23 May 2010, 19:42

Ja sam ga gledao negdje možda do pola jedne večeri no dalje nisam jer sam bio dosta umoran pa sam ga ugasio, kolko se sjećam nije mi bio loš film, morao bi ga u cijelosti pogledati da dam pravo mišljenje o filmu!
But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Re: Straw Dogs (1971.)

Post by chatterer » 05 Jun 2010, 20:47

ovo sam davno počeo gledati ali sjećam se da sam prekinuo jer nisam imao vremena pa kasnije totalno zaboravio

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Re: Straw Dogs (1971.)

Post by filmofil » 13 Jun 2010, 17:32

john_constantine wrote:Prvim gledanjem sam bio razočaran filmom jer sam očekivao nešto drukčije
točno to, gledao sam ga u onoj vrtoglavici na HRT prati jedna tmurna atmosfera i sve to uz silovanje ga čini teškim za gledati, barem meni...jako, jako dobar film, ali nemam želje gledati ga po drugi put
This is the Zodiac speaking.

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Re: Straw Dogs (1971.)

Post by remike2 » 15 Jun 2010, 11:18

Izuzetno dobar film, dosta je okrutan uz dosta ironije i prikazom nasilja oko nas te da ni u vlastitoj kući čovjek ne može biti siguran. Odlična je gluma Dustina Hoffmana (meni jednog od omiljenih glumaca) te prelijepe Susan George, scena silovanja je dosta uznemirujuća, iako možda nije prikazano nešto baš specijalno, i dalje je strašna, likovi su fascinantni, upotreba glazbe je odlična te mi se sviđaju lokacije filma (od puba, do općenito prikaza Engleske), najjače mi je završnica sa par zastrašujućih scena, sa jednom bolesnom atmosferom i nepredvidivim tonom, prikazom Hoffmana koji od intelektualca i mirne osobe se pretvara u pravog junaka koji će sve napraviti za sebe i svoju ženu, no volio bih da je odnos između likova koje su upravo glumili Hoffman i George bio malo bolje prikazan, te da je barem malo ranije film krenuo življe bilo bi odlično, ovako 9/10, no opet sam baš zadovoljan sa filmom, dobro me potresao i zadivio viđenim!
But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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