The 400 Blows (1959)

Stara škola i provjereni klasici. Od Cecile B. De Millea pa sve do Hitchcocka u punom zanosu.
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The 400 Blows (1959)

Post by Michel » 01 Mar 2015, 02:02

Seemingly in constant trouble at school, 14 year-old Antoine Doinel returns at the end of every day to a drab and unhappy home life. His parents have little money and he sleeps on a couch that's been pushed into the kitchen. He knows his mother is having an affair and his parents bicker constantly. He decides to skip school and begins a downward spiral of lies and later stealing. His parents are at their wits end and after he's stopped by the police, they decide the best thing to do would be to let Antoine face the consequences. He's sent to a juvenile detention facility where he doesn't do much better. He does manage to escape however.....


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Post by Michel » 01 Mar 2015, 02:02

The 400 Blows (1959) - François Truffaut 1 od 3
Ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih filmova svih vremena. Prvi film Truffauta koji je snimio sa samo 27 godina. Jedino se sjetim Wellesa i Građanina Kanea sa 24 godine. I ovo je moj prvi film od Truffauta i oduševljen sam. Iako se bavi teškim temama, lagan je za gledanje jer odlično dočarava teenegersko doba jednog klinac koji se bori sa problemima u školi i doma sa starcima. Pogotovo njegov odnos sa majkom. Polako postaje kriminalac i bježi od kuće te ga pratimo po čitavom Parizu njegove dogovdoštine. Uglavnom, fantastičan film i stvarno nikad nije kasno za ovakve klasike. Trebao sam prije pogledati, ali nema veze jer mi je uvijek drago kad naiđem na ovako nešto.

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