Foreign Correspondent (1940)

Stara škola i provjereni klasici. Od Cecile B. De Millea pa sve do Hitchcocka u punom zanosu.
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Foreign Correspondent (1940)

Post by Michel » 25 Jan 2014, 20:04

Johnny Jones is an action reporter on a New York newspaper. The editor appoints him European correspondent because he is fed up with the dry, reports he currently gets. Jones' first assignment is to get the inside story on a secret treaty agreed between two European countries by the famous diplomat, Mr. Van Meer. However things don't go to plan and Jones enlists the help of a young woman to help track down a group of spies.


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Re: Foreign Correspondent (1940)

Post by Michel » 25 Jan 2014, 20:05

Foreign Correspondent (1940) - odličan Hitchcockov špijunski triler o atentatu na jednog političara i novinaru koji tosve istražuje pa polako otkriva što se uistinu dogodilo. Preokreti dolaze sami od sebe, tako prirodno i ostave te u šoku. Nekoliko toliko impresivnih scena koja se odmah urežu u filmsku povijest kao ona 10-minutna scena u vjetrenjači. Kakva napetost, kakva režija :prayer: ili među zadnjim scenama u avionu :prayer:

8========-o/8==========o (8.5/10)

Rijetko spominjani Hitchcockov klasik. Cijela scena u vjetrenjači je nešto savršeno :prayer:
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