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Posted: 08 May 2008, 11:21
by gandalf
Samhain wrote:
Aryx wrote:
moguče da je magnetsko polje... realno gledajući.

Da samo što bi takvo magnetsko polje počupalo ljudima plombe onda!

Treba to ići istražiti, pozvati Mulderića i Skulića!

Sjećam se dok sam bio puno manji, mlađi i ne mnogo mršaviji :D da mi je baka pričala o nekom biću, zvano Torec, koje napada razne
životinje (mačke, kokoši i sl.) i ili ih ubija i ostavlja tako ili ih unakažuje. I ne smiješ doći blizu tog bića jer će i tebe napasti i tko zna što
to napraviti. Zanimljiva stvar jest što jednom prilikom sam čuo mačku kako se dere i baka je rekla da mora zatvoriti prozore kako ne bi
Torec došao. Istina, ili ne.....

Isto tako ima ona narodna o Znebarima! To su oni crno-žuti gušteri koji se pojavljuju nakon kiše. Navodno ako pokušaš nauditi tom Znebaru (zovu
se Znebari jer ljudi misli da padnu S Neba zajedno s kišom) možeš oglušiti jer on će on ispustiti neki krik, ili nešto takvo. To sam probao i još uvijek
čujem, koliko - toliko.

Posted: 08 May 2008, 14:05
by GreenHornet
gandalf wrote:

Zanimljiva stvar jest što jednom prilikom sam čuo mačku kako se dere

mačke se vrlo vrlo često deru tijekom parenja...

Posted: 08 May 2008, 21:22
by gandalf
GreenHornet wrote:
gandalf wrote:

Zanimljiva stvar jest što jednom prilikom sam čuo mačku kako se dere

mačke se vrlo vrlo često deru tijekom parenja...
Da, ali ima onaj specifičan zvuk kad se pokolju s nekim ili nečim!

Posted: 08 May 2008, 21:25
by Samhain
deru se oni i zbog sitnica. moj mačor je čisti dokaz. ne daš mu jest već se dere da ga pola grada čuje.

Posted: 09 May 2008, 20:24
by horkolerbus
deru se i kad pustim moju brenu ,kuce koje se penje i po krovovima koliko voli macke

Posted: 09 May 2008, 20:39
by Betmen

Posted: 10 May 2008, 09:50
by gandalf
Betmen wrote:ne


Svejedno! Trebao bi ići malo okolo i propitati se za takve stvari još.

Posted: 10 May 2008, 12:47
by jigsaw
Htio je reći da ne vjeruje u horror legende i priče...valjda... :D

Što se mene tiče, bilo je dosta trenutaka kada sam se zaista dvoumio jesam li praznovjernik ili ne...

Posted: 13 May 2008, 01:49
by Samhain
možda ti ovo bude malo pomoglo. ... =main_page

jebla sebe mrtvu.. ovo sam pogledao dosad 5 puta i to još usporeno. ne mogu vjerovati.

Posted: 13 May 2008, 04:53
by A$H
totalna glupost..

Posted: 13 May 2008, 10:14
by Samhain

Posted: 13 May 2008, 17:12
by jigsaw
Pa...nije baš uvjerljivo :idea:

Posted: 13 May 2008, 19:20
by Samhain
ne bih rekao da se šale.. ali tko zna.

iskreno meni izgleda presavršeno da je istinito. inače sve bude mutno iliti nejasno kako je običaj.

Posted: 22 May 2008, 23:05
by majstoro
ili ventilator ili je mozda zadnji sjedio neki gay na ljuljacki il nesto sasvim drugo

Posted: 22 May 2008, 23:13
by majstoro
carver wrote:Azijske horror legende kojima je inspiriran Shibuya Kaidan

This happened when a couple went for a drive to the beach. On the way home, they were driving pretty fast when they came upon a tunnel. As they were approaching the end of the tunnel, suddenly a woman appeared right in front of the car. Astonished, the man slammed on the brakes. The car swerved and spun around in a few circles, coming to a stop right outside of the tunnel exit. Climbing out of the car, they were sure that they had run over the woman, but she was nowhere to be seen. The stunned couple looked in front of the car and realized that the tunnel exit had a very sharp turn, and directly below them was a cliff."What if that was a ghost who just saved us from falling off this cliff...?"They went back to the car, got in and were about to start the engine when the woman's face appeared in the window and she whispered, "If only you had died..."

A couple was driving back home from a day out and they were coming down a curvy mountain path. The girlfriend, sitting in the passenger seat, was exhausted from the day's events and was fast asleep. As it got dark, the boyfriend was getting concerned with driving because of the unfamiliar area. The girlfriend, sleeping peacefully just a second ago, suddenly woke up and said, "Make a right turn here, and then a left.""Oh, so do you know your way around here?" he asked, but received no reply. Assuming she was familiar with the area, the boyfriend drove exactly as he was told.The girlfriend said, "Make a right turn there," and as the boyfriend began turning the steering wheel to the right, he realized that it was a left turn only, with no road on the right, just a cliff. The boyfriend quickly slammed on the brakes, and just as he was about to get upset at his girlfriend, the words "If only you had died..." came from her mouth, but in a man's voice.Alarmed, the boyfriend took a second look over at the passenger side of the car, and there was his girlfriend, fast asleep...

A married couple bought a used house. The house boasted plenty of sunlight in a great location, but above all, the price made it an excellent bargain.After they were all established in the house, the husband noticed a single red crayon on the floor in the hallway. The couple didn't have any children. The husband thought it odd, but just figured that the previous resident had left it there, and threw it away. The next day, the wife found a red crayon on the floor in the hall."That's strange. I could've sworn I had thrown it away..." explained the husband to his wife, and this time they threw the red crayon away in the trashcan outside of the house.A few days passed, and the couple yet again found a crayon in the hallway. There were no children in sight, and it looked to be the exact same crayon that they threw away the other day. Of course, the couple thought it to be a little creepy and decided to check out the area where they always find the crayon. As they checked out the area, the two of them noticed what seemed to be a mark on the wall of the hallway - a mark of something being covered up underneath.The couple decided to break down the wall, and to their surprise, they found a small empty room behind the wall, filled with a strange odor. With a flashlight, they peered inside, spreading light onto the walls. They could see that the walls were covered in writing from a red crayon, which read, "Mommy I'm sorry please let me out Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy..."

A young married couple was enjoying a day of shopping in town. At a particular boutique, the wife went into the fitting room to try on an outfit. However, no matter how long the husband waited for his wife, she would not come out.He tried calling to her, but since there was no answer, he pulled the fitting room curtain aside, but she was nowhere to be found. Not only did the husband look all throughout the store, but he also searched around town to no avail. He could not find her. He went to the police who issued a search warrant for her, but she was never found and never came home.One year passed, and the husband had to go on a business trip to Asia. While he was walking down the street, he saw a street show booth. The sign read "The Horror! Daruma Woman." Curious, the husband went inside and was horrified to see his wife, horribly deformed with her arms and legs completely cut off, laughing foolishly inside a jar...

At a certain elementary school where a boy went to school, there was an old building that was no longer in use. Due to where he was commuting from, the boy had to enter from the back of the school and walk by the old vacant building everyday to and from school. On one particular occasion, on the way to school the boy noticed a young girl standing by the classroom window of the third floor in the old school building, looking down at him. When he walked passed the same building on his way home, he saw the same girl who was there in the morning, still keeping her eyes fixated on him. He had never seen this girl before, so he assumed that it was a girl in a grade level above him. The next day, once again the girl stood by the window. The day after, yet again she was there, standing and watching him as he walked by. In the beginning, although the young boy walked by self-consciously, he eventually started to have a crush on this girl, who was always looking at him.He climbed up the old stairway, heading in her direction, and when he got to the classroom where she was at, what he found was the girl with her feet in the air. The girl had hung herself. What he had seen from below everyday was her dead head and unconscious blank stare...

One summer night, wanting to test their courage, 5 young friends drove to an abandoned hospital situated at the top of a mountain. Sitting in the car were two guys in the front, and three girls in the back. When they reached the hospital and were about to get out of the car, the girl sitting in the middle of the back seat suddenly cried out, "I don't want to go!"Everyone in the car asked in surprise, "What's the matter?" but the girl started to tremble and wouldn't say a word.They continued to question her, and she finally asked, "We're friends, right? We're all going to stick together, right?"They replied, "What are you talking about? Of course."The girl then slowly turned her eyes to her feet. Everyone else followed her gaze and was shocked at the sight of a white hand stretched out from underneath the car seat with a firm grip on the girl's ankle. Everyone screamed and fled from the car, leaving the girl alone inside.When they thought it would be safe to return, they slowly went back to the car with caution, but the girl was nowhere to be found.To this day, the girl remains missing.

There was a woman who lived by herself in Tokyo. She became pregnant with her live-in partner and decided to have the baby. However, the baby's father left her abruptly, and she didn't have the confidence to raise the child on her own. She decided to sneak off and leave the baby in a coin locker at a Tokyo train station. She could no longer stay in Tokyo, so she went back home to live with her family outside of Tokyo. A few years later, she started a new job and returned to work in Tokyo. By that time, she had come to terms with her youthful indiscretion and had moved on. One day as she was passing through a train station, she saw a little boy crying in front of the coin locker area. Concerned about the boy, she went over and asked the boy, "What's the matter?" There was no reply from the boy, who continued to cry. "What happened to your daddy?" she asked, but the little boy said, "I don't know." "And your mommy?" she asked, and the boy replied, "You are!"
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