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Chain Reaction Aka House Of Blood (2006)

Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 19:42
by dodo

Njemački film a režirao i napisao ga je Olaf Ittenbach. več poznat po dobrim splatter i gore efektima.ali je i poznat još po tome da radi sa amaterskim glumcima.
Film je ustvari napravljen 2005 god ali su ga 2006 stavili na DVD.
Film meni izgleda zanimljivo i bez obzira da film i nije nešto, ja bi ga ipak volio pogledati,pa ako netko zna gdje ga se može nabaviti(skinuti) neka tu napiše hvala.

The story is about four prisoners and a doctor who survived a crash.(The doctor's car hit the bus.) They kill the guards who were on that bus an try to run for the boarder.After hours of walking they find this old cabin in the woods. The family in that house speaks an old language , and they act very mysterious. who turn out to be some sort or vampires. The vampires kill all of the cons but the doctor escapes. The doctor ends up heading to jail because the cops don't believe his story. During the doctor's transport, the same sort of accident happens, starting the whole ball rolling again...

Kad uđete pronađite pod kategorijom trailer od G-L (House Of Blood) i za to morate imati instaliran RealPlayer da bi vidjeli.

Christopher Kriesa ... Douglas Madsen
Martina Ittenbach ... Alice
Simon Newby ... Arthur Palmer
Luca Maric ... Spence Palmer
Mehmet Yilmaz ... Vincenzo Tomassi
Jaymes Butler ... Stephen Nix
Dan van Husen ... Paul Anderson
Daryl Jackson ... Jimmy
Wolfgang Müller ... George
James Matthews ... Shawn (as James Matthews-Pyecka)
Klaus Münster ... Joseph
Gerhard Jilka ... Phillipp
Harald Pucher ... Wallace
Lisa Sachsenweger ... Karen
Gunter Bender ... Ron

Posted: 21 Dec 2007, 18:39
by dodo
Evo par slika :D

Another vampire gets ready to eat some fresh meat.
The grandaddy vampire prepares to tear the living crap out of the convicts.
A vampire appears dead after the hammering that Arthur and Stephen give it. Little do they suspect.....
Arthur can't believe they won't die!!

Ova film je stavljen prije negdje 2 tjedna i još nema komentara :shock:

Posted: 21 Dec 2007, 18:50
by HorrorHR
dodo wrote:Ova film je stavljen prije negdje 2 tjedna i još nema komentara :shock:
Pa može biti da je stvar u onome što sam ti rekao, previše topica za nove filmove otvoriš pa se ljudi izgube ili čak ignoriraju ;)

Eto ja ovaj topic recimo nisam ni vidio, a ni onaj za novi Bavin film.

Vratimo se na temu, gledah ovo:

(ima par dobrih sličica u osvrtu ;) )

Posted: 21 Dec 2007, 18:54
by dodo
Znaći film nije tako loš da se pogledati barem radi gore scena :D