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Gon-ji-am (2018)

Posted: 13 Jun 2018, 22:47
by Michel


Director: Beom-sik Jeong
Writers: Beom-sik Jeong, Sang-min Park
Stars: Seung-Wook Lee, Ye-Won Mun, Ji-Hyun Park

An internet broadcaster recruits a handful of people for their 'experience the horror' show at Gonjiam. They are to explore the haunted asylum and stream it live on the show. To attract more viewers, the show hosts play tricks on the guests, but things start to get out of hand when they are inside the place, where tortured souls could really be lurking in the shadows.


Posted: 13 Jun 2018, 22:48
by Michel
Gon-ji-am (2018) - jedan novi južnokorejski found footage film koji pati od tipičnih problema za takve filmove. Radi se o grupici ljudi koji istražuju duhove pa tako istražuju jednu napuštenu bolnicu u kojoj se počnu događati čudne stvari. Film je atmosferičan, ima nekoliko dobrih cimalica u zuadnjem dijelu filma, ali sve već nekako viđeno.

8=====-o/8==========o (5.5/10)