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Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 21:10
by HorrorHR
Apdejt sa kraja srpnja, više tehničke prirode:
Tainted Fate goes open world

The way I first imagined it
I wanted Tainted Fate to be a linear game gameplay-vise.
It would be divided into chapters and every chapter would have a few levels consisting of puzzles and running away from monsters in which you couldn't backtrack because the path would get obstructed or some other standard video-game trick would block your way back.
The non-linearity would come from the fact that the player would make decisions in conversations (who to kill, who to spare, what to do,...) and then depending on the decision, a certain level would load next (for example: there would be two types of level 5 and depending on what you choose to say or do in level 4, one of the level 5's would load).
The first chapter would be played with the guy in the 1930's, the second would be played with the girl in 2012, then the third chapter would be played with the guy again and so on.
That way there would be two different chapter 6's and four different chapter 7's and about 7 different endings.

Going open world
A few days ago my programmer iviay asked me if we'll need day and night cycles in the game. I immediately said no. The time of day, fog, rain, clouds and sky\water clarity would be predefined in the levels. That gives me more creative power over the look and mood of every level.

But it got me thinking. By asking a question like that, he obviously saw the open world potential of the game already.

I made this game because of a childhood love towards drawing my own imaginary mystical island maps and imagining how a castaway survivor would traverse them.
Wouldn't completely limiting the player's path and making it linear turn the game into something I myself probably wouldn't want to play?

Then I started playing Tomb Raider (the reboot). That's when the decision got cemented.
Something between Tomb Raider's semi-open and Far Cry 3's completely open island exploration would be perfect for Tainted Fate.

There will day\night cycles with dawn and dusk (duration of a single day not decided yet)
There will be random weather changes
The water, fog, skybox, shadows, sun, light shafts, lens flares,.. will all change colors and intensity depending on time of day
The player will have the option of finding shelter during the night in any of the buildings on the island
The player will be able to sleep through the night in the shelters
The colors and mood of the game will be different depending on the character you will be currently playing with
There will be secrets, lovely, lovely hard to find secrets
At first the game will guide you towards objectives, but by acquiring the tools necessary to remove the obstacles obstructing your path, you will gradually unlock more of the island.
The game could also block your path to disable backtracking at some points, but later on you will acquire tools to destroy even those obstacles. For example a bunch of rocks would fall over a cave entrance after you enter it and you wouldn't be able to go back until you acquire a pickaxe.
That would allow for linear segments on the island that later connect and become part of the open world.

The engine can handle it, it would allow for far more complex puzzles, it would allow backtracking and multiple side-quests from NPCs,
and most importantly, it would be the kind of game I couldn't wait to get my hands on.

It would also require a whole lot more work. I still haven't pinpointed the enemy interaction yet - whether they'll spawn at random, or roam the island all the time, or be completely scripted, semi-scripted,... Who knows!

In the end, I think this is the way everyone else except me perceived the game will be (since the whole island is open for exploration in the pre-alpha), so to hell with it, lets make a better game :D .

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 23:05
by SickBrick
Evo baš sam išao apdejtat vas s novim događanjima u vezi Tainted Fate, al vidim da si me preteko HorrorHR :D
Svejedno ću ovo ovdje zaljepit:
Yo. Donosim velike novosti vezane uz Tainted Fate.
Tainted Fate više nije linearna horror avantura, već open world horror avantura. Woooo!!!
Cijeli otok će biti jedna mapa bez loadinga, sa side questovima od NPC-eva, bit će tranzicije iz dana u noć, bit će spavanja do jutra u safe housevima da te čudovišta ne ugrizu i bit će klanja s motorkom.
Više o tome ovdje: ... open-world
Nadam se da ste se obradovali ovom viješću kao što sam se ja obradovao kad sam konačno shvatio što fali Tainted Fate-u da bude poseban.
Uskoro ću ispljunuti novi Pre-Alpha Demo jer je svašta novog u igri pa da imate priliku isprobati.

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 24 Aug 2013, 12:58
by SickBrick
Budite pozdravljeni, narode. Donosim vam novi Pre-Alpha Tainted Fate-a za Windous i Mek! Ima svašta novog i uzbudljivog unutra:

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 24 Aug 2013, 13:17
by john_constantine
ovo baš odlično zvuči
Tainted Fate više nije linearna horror avantura, već open world horror avantura. Woooo!!!
Cijeli otok će biti jedna mapa bez loadinga, sa side questovima od NPC-eva, bit će tranzicije iz dana u noć, bit će spavanja do jutra u safe housevima da te čudovišta ne ugrizu i bit će klanja s motorkom.

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 26 Aug 2013, 02:26
by SickBrick
Tenks :zubifale:

Evo apdejt u video obliku za ljude koji nemaju vremena igrat:

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 18:14
by HorrorHR
SickBrick wrote:Tenks :zubifale:

Evo apdejt u video obliku za ljude koji nemaju vremena igrat:
nisam gejmer, ali je fora gledati ovakav making of video. vidim da dosta radiš/radite na igri

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 11 Sep 2013, 17:04
by SickBrick
Radim dosta, da. Sad sam završio sve zajebane predmete na faksu, pa mogu radit svaki dan.
Anyway, imam novi video za vas u kojem možete vidjeti izmjenu dana i noći (još uvijek u izradi). To naravno neće biti samo kozmetički, već će utjecati na gameplay na više načina:

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 02 Nov 2013, 18:45
by SickBrick
Bok ljudi, igra napreduje zakon. Imam zakon vijesti.
Izlagat ću Tainted Fate na InfoGameru by Reboot na velesajmu od 14.-17. 11. (sva četiri dana). Imati ćete priliku isprobati Tainted Fate (složio sam stabilnu verziju i ubacio zombije samo za vas).

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 19:44
by SickBrick
Štand je spreman.
Ko dođe na InfoGamer, nek navrati do mene i odigra si kakav Tainted Fate ili SikBrik.

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 23:31
by DeadDispatcher90
HOLY FUCK, ČOVJEČE!!! Svaka čast! Nisam očekivao da ćeš dogurati do ovdje, ali svaka čast!

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 19:16
by HorrorHR
svaka čast!

baci koju sliku ili gejmplej zombija

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 20:11
by SickBrick
Pozdrav ekipa, vratio sam se sa InfoGamera pa vam oću prenijet doživljaje.
Bilo je zakon! Pokazivali smo Tainted Fate i SickBrick i svima se sviđalo! Bilo je naporno ko vrak, ali zabavno. Prodali smo preko sto SickBrick+TFate Alpha DVD-a po "Plati koliko hoćeš" shemi.

Evo kratki video highlighta koje sam uspio s digitalcem posnimit:

U nedjelju sam bio na glavnom stageu, pa ko nije bio tamo može pogledati na jutjubs:

Uhvatili smo i par stvari na giveawaysima:

Sve fotke sa sajma su na našem fejzbuku:
Ak ste zakon, lajkajte stranicu. Evo probrana selekcija najboljih fotki:





To je to. Ak nekog zanima nešto u vezi sajma i kak je bilo i to, nek pita.

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 00:12
by HorrorHR
pogledao videe, vidim da ste se dobro zabavili tamo.
očito dobar event kad ste stotinjak komada prodali.

apdejtaj dalje sto se bude zbivalo.

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 23 Nov 2013, 15:36
by SickBrick
Skoro zaboravih! Napravio sam novu Pre-Alphu da isprobate. Ima stotine promjena (najveće su privremeni zombiji, oružja i eventovi). Ovo je verzija igre koju ste mogli probat na InfoGameru.
Tainted Fate Pre-Alpha 5 za Windows: ... -5-windows

Tainted Fate Pre-Alpha 5 za Mac: ... lpha-5-mac

Vjerojatno ću izdati još jednu Pre-Alphu prije nego počnem ubacivati elemente priče u igru (tad ću stat s Pre-Alphama da si ne spoilate igru unaprijed).

Re: Moja horror igra, Tainted Fate

Posted: 25 Nov 2013, 11:21
by DeadDispatcher90
Ej, jel se to meni čini ili će biti i akcije u igri? Ja sam stekao dojam da će igra biti čisto kao horror avantura iz prvog lica, a sada na videu vidim da kad "Zvone" igra, nosi motornu pilu? BTW, ako će stvarno biti akcije, svaka čast.