Them! (1954)

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Them! (1954)

Post by A$H » 13 May 2010, 16:14

Gordon Douglas

PLOT - After several people in the New Mexico desert wind up missing or dead, including an F.B.I. agent and most of his family, police Sgt. Ben Peterson teams up with F.B.I. agent Bob Graham to find out what's causing the strange occurrences. They find send a strange print found at one of the crime scenes and it is sent to the Department of Agriculture. Doctor Harold Medford and his daughter Doctor Patricia Medford arrive and ask to be taken to the scene of some of the disappearances. When they get there they are shocked to find gigantic ants, whose mutations were caused by the first atomic bomb explosion nine years earlier. They manage to destroy the nest of ants, but not before two winged queen ants and a couple of drones have hatched and escaped the nest. Now it is a race against time to find the two queen ants before they can establish more nests and hatch more queens.


The Amazing New Warner Bros. Sensation!
FANTASTIC MONSTERS ATTACK EARTH! (original ad - all caps)
A horror horde of crawl-and-crush giants clawing out of the earth from mile-deep catacombs!
Kill one and two take its place!
This city is under martial law until we annihilate THEM!
An Endless Terror! A Nameless Horror!
The Sci-Fi Classic of the Atomic Age




James Whitmore ... Police Sgt. Ben Peterson
Edmund Gwenn ... Dr. Harold Medford
Joan Weldon ... Dr. Patricia 'Pat' Medford
James Arness ... Robert Graham


It's A Bird... It's A Plane... It's SUPERA$H!!

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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by Dragonrage » 13 May 2010, 16:20

Genijalan film...još se sječćam ka dam ga prvi put gledo...kao klinac, čekajući starog da se vrati s posla iz druge smjene... :D :D

Ali nabavljam ga već mjesecima...već mjesecima mi stoji na čekanju na Amazonu...grr...a sad nikad jeftiniji...2 funte i neš sitno...

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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by Scarface » 13 May 2010, 16:52

Tek sad vidin koliko kultnih filmova nema svoj topic, pa to je strahota! Uskoro se bacan i ja na posao ispravljanja te grješke. :wink:
I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law.

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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by A$H » 13 May 2010, 16:53

tak i treba.. :)

ma ovaj film mi je uvijek bio medju najboljima od tog tipa filmova..pogotovo iz tih godina..
It's A Bird... It's A Plane... It's SUPERA$H!!

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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by john_constantine » 13 May 2010, 17:15

ah, klasik. :) Gledao sam ga čak u obadvije verzije, crno bijelo i u boji. He, kako sam se uvijek ježio od tog filma, naročito kod scena kada spašavaju ljude od najeza tih divovskih mrava i slično. danas ga već dugo izbjegavam pogledati, možda jednom budem...
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by Ghrall » 14 May 2010, 00:33

Bome klasik! Jedno vrijeme sam samo takve skidal pa ih imam dosta u kolekciji. Ovaj je također jedan od naj.

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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by Mr. Bakmilo » 14 May 2010, 14:41

baš prije dva dana sam ga skinuo s namjerom da pogledam. Gledao sam ga fakat davno i uopće se ne sjećam filma..

ali se sjećam da sam svojevremeno još na amigi igrao "it came from the desert", koja je vjerujem bila inspirirana samim filmom



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Post by dr_gonzo » 15 May 2010, 14:45

Jedan od najboljih filmova koje sam gledao i sigurno spada među 10 naj filmova iz 50-tih..
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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by Mr. Bakmilo » 15 May 2010, 15:06

Them! i The beast from 20.000 Fathoms ...od njih je počelo sve :D

baš klasik, još uvijek najbolji 'Bug' movie

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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by filmofil » 31 Oct 2010, 16:10

nakon dugog odgađanja napokon sam ga pogledao, zadovoljio je moje želje i definitivno je jedan od boljih, ako ne i najbolji predstavnik giant monster žanra tog doba...obično su mi takvi filmovi smiješni, al ovaj je i uz sve te loše efekte držao neku ozbiljnost...neke scene su me podsjetile na alien serijal, npr kad ripley bacačem plamena skuri sva ona jaja ili cijela ona situacija s djecom na kraju (tamo je newt, ovdje 2 buraza)

možda mi je samo falila jedna scena sukoba civila i mrava, neka opća panika, da vidimo razbježanu masu ljudi i mrave kako ih ubijaju...sve je svedeno na vojsku i tih par glavnih likova
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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by remike2 » 31 Oct 2010, 17:14

Odličan film, klasik, uistinu najbolji monster film tog vremena i općenito jedan od najboljih i najznačajnijih sci-fi/horror filmova svih vremena.
But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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Re: Them! (1954)

Post by DrugsBunny » 31 Oct 2010, 17:16

Generalno govoreći, film je neočekivano jeziv i dobar.
...I wrapped our love in all this foil,
Silver-tight like spider legs
I never wanted it to ever spoil,
But flies will lay their eggs...

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