Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

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Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by dr_gonzo » 15 May 2010, 19:04


Directed by
Mario Bava

Writing credits:
Franco Barberi i Dardano Sacchetti (story)
Mario Bava, Filippo Ottoni, Giuseppe Zaccariello (screenplay)

Release Date: 3 May 1972 (USA)
Runtime: 84 min | 76 min (cut)
Foršpan filma

Claudine Auger...................Renata
Luigi Pistilli........................Albert
Claudio Camaso..................Simon
Anna Maria Rosati...............Laura
Chris Avram......................Frank Ventura


"- An elderly heiress is killed by her husband who wants control of her fortunes. What ensues is an all-out murder spree as relatives and friends attempt to reduce the inheritance playing field, complicated by some teenagers who decide to camp out in a dilapidated building on the estate..."


- TWITCH OF THE DEATH NEVER is a brilliant film. The idea behind it is original and it's still a one-of-a-kind flick, even if the movie itself inspired a gazillion slashers.

- This is one of Bava's few films where everything works. It does exactly what it sets out to do. The minimalistic script makes no attempt at either character motivation or logic, but serves merely as an engine for the 13 bloody murders.

- I'm a big fan of giallo movies, and lately I have become a fan of director Bava, but this film is simply mediocre. This Bava slasher is best remembered for influencing other movies in the subgenre (the "Friday the 13th" movies in particular), but the truth is that it is almost unwatchable.

- HorrorHR recenzija filma
- Freak's nightmares recenzija

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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by john_constantine » 15 May 2010, 19:11

nikako da mi dođe na red...
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by HorrorHR » 25 Jan 2012, 21:19

U sljedećoj narudžbi sa naručujem:

- Reversible sleeve with original and newly commissioned art work
- Double-sided fold-out poster
- Collector’s Booklet by Jay Slater, critic and author of Eaten Alive!
- Brand new high definition transfer of the English version of the film (1080p)
- Italian cut of the film
- Original Mono Audio
- Argento! Bava! Fulci! The Giallo Gems of Dardano Sacchetti (1080p)
- Joe Dante on Mario Bava (1080p)
- Shooting a Spaghetti Splatter Classic: Cameraman Gianlorenzo Battaglia on A Bay of Blood (1080p)
- Audio discussion with Tim Lucas, author of Mario Bava: All the Colors of the Dark
- A Bay of Blood Trailers: ‘Carnage’ and ‘Twitch of the Death Nerve’ with commentary by Edgar Wright, director of Shaun of the Dead
- Twitch of the Death Nerve Radio Spots

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Victor Crowley
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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by Victor Crowley » 26 Jan 2012, 10:38

Ovo je odličan film! Horror to će bit dobra narudžba, sad sam gledao cijene na amazonu, pa nije skupo uopće.

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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by HorrorHR » 26 Jan 2012, 11:00

Victor Crowley wrote:Ovo je odličan film! Horror to će bit dobra narudžba, sad sam gledao cijene na amazonu, pa nije skupo uopće.
amazon ima odlične cijene, ne možeš ni uživo u londonu za te pare ni blizu kupovati - pogotovo arrow izdanja. Neke stvari su tipa duplo jeftinije nego u HMV-u ili Forbidden Planetu koji ima posebnu skeciju samo za Arrow.

Meni je neki dan phenomena bluray doša tipa jednu funtu jeftinije od DVD izdanja

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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by john_constantine » 26 Jan 2012, 12:07

inače sam o tom filmu čitao na žutom titlu, ono giallo slasher s preludim preokretom. A ima li uopće takva scena u filmu kao na coveru?
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by arminio » 26 Jan 2012, 23:06

john_constantine wrote:inače sam o tom filmu čitao na žutom titlu, ono giallo slasher s preludim preokretom. A ima li uopće takva scena u filmu kao na coveru?
Ne. Cover je skroz fulao poantu :lol:

Inace, Twitch je bio jedna od inspiracija za Petak 13 (vecina ubojstava je kopirana u nastavcima :D ) ... nerve-1971
arminio - drugacije o filmu / o drugacijem filmu

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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by Ašow » 31 Jan 2012, 10:38

Ovo je super film! Meni iskreno od Bave najbolji.
Fun fact: Glavna glumica je glumila u jednom james bondu, nedamise imdbisati u kojem, ali znam da je prije ovog filma to bilo.

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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by Inferno » 19 Mar 2019, 22:43

Meni je ovo bio slešer sa zanimljivim likovima, ali sapuničastom atmosferom. Imao sam velika očekivanja što se gorea tiče, a nažalost sam ostao zakinut. Nepotrebno je previše pozornosti dano vezama između sporednih likova nego glavnoj radnji. Sama akcija ništa posebno, pomalo se razočarao....ali barem film nije dosadan bio.

6 / 10

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Re: Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) aka "Bay of Blood"

Post by Michel » 06 Jan 2024, 11:25


A Bay of Blood (1971) - iliti ga 'Reazione a catena' i treći Bava u maratonu. Ovo je najutjecajniji Bava, slasher gdje je radnja smještena na jednom zaljevu okružen sa jezerom film prati grupu random ljudi ali ništa ne kužiš. Ni prvi put kad sam gledao, ni drugi. No, zato kad krene masakr, onda je masakr. Ovo je slasher koji ima jedne od najboljih ubojstava ikada što i najviše gledamo kod slasher podžanra. Gluma je prosjek, ima mini preokreta koji su dobri, i jedan ogromni na kraju na razini 'Sleepeway Camp' (ne isti, ali po šoku isti). Bava ovdje ima prepoznatljivu režiju, tehnički je odlično snimljeno, puno njegovih zumiranja. Omiljene smrti su mi ovdje ubojstvo u trku, mačeta u glavu, obješena baka i kopljem kroz krevet. 7.5/10

UTJECAJ/ZNAČAJ - utjecaj je apsolutno ogroman, pogotovo na čitavi slasher podžanr. Psiho je slasher i spada među najutjecajnije filmove ikada, ali prvi PRAVI slasher koji je koristio sve one značajke (osim klasične final girl) je ovaj Bavin kultni klasik. Sve što smo vidjeli u slasherima od 80-ih pa do dan danas ti filmovi duguju ovom filmu. Pogotovo Petak 13. koji je kopirao jako puno toga iz ovog filma, ali doslovno kopirao kao neka ubojstva. 'A Bay of Blood' se zove i djedom slashera, a sama ta činjenica ga stavlja jako visoko po utjecaju. A+, A, B+, B, C+, C
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