10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

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10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by Manas » 15 Jan 2016, 13:05

After a car accident, a young woman comes to in an underground cellar, where most of the action takes place. She fears she has been abducted by a survivalist, who tells her he saved her life and that a chemical attack has left the outside world uninhabitable. Uncertain what to believe, she decides she must escape, whatever dangers she may face outside

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saHzng8fxLs

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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by Shp86 » 15 Jan 2016, 14:28

Zanimljivo zvuči..redatelj debitant + vrlo vjerojatno neki mikrobudžet + JJ Abrams producent..
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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by HorrorHR » 15 Jan 2016, 15:28

Dobar sinopsis!

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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by xEdgex » 15 Jan 2016, 17:21

Sa Bloody Disgusting:

" Update: Paramount Pictures shared with the site this exclusive statement from J.J. Abrams himself confirming the news!

“The idea came up a long time ago during production. We wanted to make it a blood relative of Cloverfield. The idea was developed over time. We wanted to hold back the title for as long as possible.”

Abrams’ addition that it’s a “blood relative” seems to suggest that the movie isn’t a direct sequel to Cloverfield but instead takes place within the same universe. It should also be known this one is not found-footage."
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Post by dr_gonzo » 15 Jan 2016, 19:11

Meni se cini da ovo nece biti giant monster movie nego film o zarazenima ili mutantima ili ce u igri biti neke male bestije.
Mislim da bi nakratko mogli prikazat Cloverfield bestiju, ali najvise ulazem nade da ce vaznu ulogu igrati oni krpelji sta su padali sa cudovista. Tko zna mozda budemo vidjeli i mamu od cudovista
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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by Manas » 28 Mar 2016, 22:40

Pogledao film, zadovoljan, nije nesto perfektno stim da sam gledao u TS snimku :D samo ovo mi ne izgleda kao nastavak Cloverfileda iz 2008 ili mozda grijesim :?:

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Post by Michel » 07 May 2016, 17:12

10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) - kao nastavak Cloverfielda iako to nije makar ima poveznica. Većina filma je smještena u jednom bunkeru gdje su dva tipa i jedna ženska. John Goodman je vrlo dobro odglumio i on glumi lika koji govori toj ženskoj kako se vani dogodio nuklearni napad, ali ona mu na početku ne povjeruje da bi se klupko polako počelo odmotavati. Film je dobar psihološki triler i velik dio filma nije horor, ali horor postaje tek zadnjih 20-ak minuta koje mi se nisu svidjele. Po kraju čini se da će biti nastavak. Ima zanimljivih teorija po netu pa evo jedne
o tome da je Howard dobar, a onaj Emmet loš i evo te teorije
Okay, now that that's out of the way. Everything you think you know about Emmet and Howard is a lie. Howard built a doomsday bunker to protect his family with help of a local contractor named Emmet. Over time, Howard gets the uneasy feeling that Emmet has inappropriate feelings for his underage daughter. One day about 2 years ago, Megan disappears and Howard's mental state begins to crack. His wife leaves him for Chicago because she blames or even suspects him of kidnapping their daughter. In truth she has been tucked away and duck taped in a small alcove of the bunker that can only be accessed by someone small enough to climb through a ventilation shaft. Someone who helped build the room and had it padlocked from the inside. Emmet.
Megan's body is never quite found (though something is blocking the latch to the air filter...) Cut to present day. Howard rescues Michelle over guilt about driving her off the road. He wants to protect her the way he was unable to protect her daughter. When he returns, the man he suspects but can't prove killed his daughter is waiting for him and fights his way into the bunker. Howard is insulted when Michelle flirts with his daughter's likely killer (and Emmet makes sure to drive the pain home by staring at him tauntingly throughout the exchange).
When it is clear that someone will need to climb through the ventilation shaft, Emmet volunteers in order to protect his secret, but his arm sling prevents him. When Michelle returns with evidence of his crime, Emmet makes up a story about some other girl named Brittany knowing he can frame Howard as the unstable one. The girl in the photos really is Megan, but Michelle trusts Emmet's story. When Howard finds the scissors and the duck tape, he suspects Emmet intentions for Michelle are the same he had for Megan. Having heard one lie too many he murders him and finally gets his revenge. Unfortunately, he does not account for Michelle's perspective of events.
Howard's attitude towards Emmet
Howard's 'no touching' rule
Emmet's casual suggestion of braiding Michelle's hair
Emmet built the bunker and is the only one small enough to access the air filtration room if his arm weren't broken
Howard points out the picture of "Brittany"/Megan to Michelle. If he loved Megan so much, why would there not be ANY pictures of the real Megan?
Air filtration room is padlocked from the inside. Only a smaller character could have done that.
Howard says "I know traitors" during a tense scene
Howard's intense "I'm watching you" scene
Howard's annoyance at Michelle's defense of this man and why she isn't grateful for his protection.
He tells Michelle after the shot "You heard him. He was going to try to hurt us"
The entire final act is intentionally jarring different from what we were led to believe (just like we have been mislead by character motivations)
And of course, his final words to Emmet: "I forgive you" which has everything to do with Megan.
TL;DR Monsters come in many forms. Emmet kidnapped and killed Megan after hiding her in an inaccessible area of Howard's bunker. He took advantage of Howard's personality to throw off Michelle's suspicion. Howard'said generosity only goes so far and he murders him, but Michelle believing Howard is the monster burns him in acid and sets the bunker ablaze.
Uglavnom, vrlo zanimljivo.
Ta teorija je lako moguća kao i suprotna jer se film dobro uspio poigrati sa tim zamkama da nas navuku na krivi trag i to cijelo vrijeme radi. Ja sam zadovoljan, dobar film.

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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by Truba » 07 May 2016, 23:25

nista posebno
www.lasetta.net :axe:

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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by Wheel Smith » 08 May 2016, 08:02

odlično je ovo.....
:supz: :supz:

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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by John_Ryder » 08 May 2016, 15:22

ništa extra, ali sam ostao zadovoljan, nedavno pogledao i cloverfield ponovo pa je baš pasalo ovo, a i vidi se povezanost, 7/10 :kokicarenje:


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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by Matango » 09 May 2016, 12:09

Film je savršen do zadnjih 20 minuta.

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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by Shp86 » 09 May 2016, 13:21

Ajde večeras ga gledam.. točno znam što očekivat od filma (barem mislim) izuzev shita od kraja koji vjerojatno ne mogu predvidjet :mrgreen:
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Post by dr_gonzo » 10 May 2016, 10:24

Nije sranje a bogmenije mi ni lega savršeno. Moždajednom na drugom gledanju bude jasniji...
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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by Shp86 » 11 May 2016, 09:51

Solidan film, dapače dobar.. čak mi je i kraj nekako dobro legao, pomalo mi je parodičan u odnosu na ostatak filma. Goodman odlično odglumio, dobra atmosfera, i ova teorija koju je Michael gore napisao totalno drže vodu, jer je film inače preplitak i jednostavan bez takve teorije. 6.5/10

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Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Post by boyko » 11 May 2016, 22:56

pa nije loš. više manje mi je sve oke osim zadnjih cca petnaestak minuta koje su mi malo pokvarile dojam. više mi je pasala radnja u bunkeru, bilo je više napetosti.
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