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It Follows (2014)

Posted: 05 Dec 2014, 01:28
by Michel

For 19-year-old Jay, fall should be about school, boys and weekends out at the lake. But after a seemingly innocent sexual encounter, she finds herself plagued by strange visions and the inescapable sense that someone, or something, is following her. Faced with this burden, Jay and her teenage friends must find a way to escape the horrors that seem to be only a few steps behind.

MEATCRITIC: niti jedna negativna.
ROTTEN: niti jedna negativna.

Sve ostalo koje sam pročito isto niti jedna negativna. Ne sjećam se kad je kritika zadnji put bila složna oko nekog horor filma.


As Mitchell explained at the pic’s premiere in Cannes, “It Follows” marks his attempt to make a “beautiful horror movie” — equal parts gentle and aggressive. At times, his meticulous compositions rival Gregory Crewdson’s ethereal suburban-gothic photographs (sometimes staged at roughly the same budget as this admirably inexpensive feature). While “It Follows” isn’t a period piece per se, the incidents take place in a world of abandoned buildings, rusty old American automobiles and outdated landline telephones. Even without a supernatural stalker in the mix, one wants to advise these kids — who include plausible next-door types Olivia Luccardi and Lili Sepe, awkwardly shy Keir Gilchrist and faux-tough Daniel Zovatto — to run away from this dead-end existence as fast and as far as they can.

Znači, očekuje nas old school horor. Nadam se atmosferi kao u filmu Dead End.


Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 05 Dec 2014, 12:16
by Matango
Michel wrote:Ne sjećam se kad je kritika zadnji put bila složna oko nekog horor filma.
Bila je složna ako se ne varam oko Conjuringa, pa mi je svejedno ispao skroz prosječan i klišej film :zubifale:

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 09:19
by Michel
It Follows, however, is nothing short of an instant classic. From the superb cold open (succinct, intriguing, beautifully shot, suspenseful, 100% vintage Carpenter) to the final scene, this movie offers an almost unrelenting rush. The premise is elegantly simple, and the narrative unfolds logically. The characters are fairly likable and Maika Monroe is a captivating screen presence. Some will argue the movie feels a tad overlong and to a degree, I'd say they are right, but David Robert Mitchell turns in a film that's so well made from a technical viewpoint that it simply cannot be faulted for this. It's just so visually arresting, and the soundtrack blew me away. If you are a fan of Carpenter from the late seventies to mid-eighties, this one's for you. It's an uncannily accurate homage to his style while somehow also managing to become its own thing. The Detroit setting is also used intelligently to tell part of the story through images. Every single shot is gorgeous, and some downright haunting (but never in a visceral way)!

Sviđa mi se što se piše. Ako i ovaj ne razočara, ovo će biti prokleto dobra horor godina :rock:

Uskoro bi trebalo izaći.

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 14:25
by John_Ryder
Ovo najavljuju kao najbolji horor iduce godine,jedva cekam posto je slab izbor novih horora

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 00:00
by Michel
Dakle, čekao sam The Babadook, What we do in the shadows, Tusk, Housebound i ovaj tu. Jedino It Follows još nisam pogledao jer nije izašao.

Sad pridodajem njemu još ova tri filma ... f=2&t=8093 ... f=2&t=8094 ... f=2&t=8092

Starry Eyes i The Taking su izašli. Očekujem čisto dobre horore. Nadam se da će biti da učvrste ovu godinu kao jako dobru i jednu od boljih unazad 10-ak godina.

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 13:13
by Matango
Nakon početnih napuhanih kritika počeli ljudi gadno pljuvati po filmu, miriši mi na još jedan The Conjuring PR. Šteta, jer "trebao" je biti najbolji horor u 2015.

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 16:02
by Michel
Ovo je još uvijek najbolje primljeni horor unazad nekoliko godina :supz:


:rock: jedva čekam da stigne. I na imdb-u ima odličnu ocjenu za horor.

It Follows received critical acclaim upon release, with critics praising the acting, plot, score, and old-fashioned scares. ovo mi se sviđa :supz:

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 20:01
by Ash_Williams
meni se čini da je John Carpenter sve veća inspiracija mlađim filmašima,i ovaj film i prošlogodišnji Cold In July i 71 imaju direktan utjecaj.
nedavno smo raspravili kako je loš zadnjih godina, usprkos tome svakom generacijom je sve cijenjeniji i drago mi je zbog toga.

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 18 Mar 2015, 20:26
by HorrorHR
hype totalni, počeli me ljudi kontaktirati dali je izasao taj film jer su citali okolo :D ljudi koji ne gledaju horore

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 19 Mar 2015, 14:45
by John_Ryder
Ajde cinestar,hoćemo projekcije !

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 19 Mar 2015, 15:01
by HorrorHR
Čak i Roger Ebert visoka ocjena

nemre bit dobro :D

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 00:32
by HorrorHR
Kad i Wired piše o filmu, onda je fakat dignut megahype (u pozitivnom smislu)


Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 01:14
by Michel
Nabrijavaš me samo još više :D

I nema šanse da neki horor gledam u kinu. To samo solo gledam. Mora biti ugođaj. Ne znam, ja kad vidim da netko može gledati horor u kinu, ne shvaćam jer si ti nekako svjestan da ima ljudi bez obzira koliko se uživio u film. Ma da je i jedan sa tobom u kinu, podsvjesno si svjestan. Zato samo sam i onda me može nešto prestrašiti. Tad mi je prava atmosfera, a za ovaj ću se posebno potruditi. :rock:

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 07:12
by Michel
Vidim da i svi hvale soundtrack kako je jedan od najboljih horor soundtracka koje su ikad čuli. I mislim si ok, to je taj hype pa svi ti kritičari tako govore i idem vidjet kako se zove soundtrack. Nađem ga i pustim ovako ujutro. Usro sam. Evo ga

Na prvu me kupio, a kako će se uklopiti u film vidjet ćemo, ali ovo je zbilja pravi horor soundtrack. U jednom dijelu onako malo futuristički zvuči.

"The film starts off with one of the most amazingly constructed openings in genre cinema."

Ma idemo ga nahajpat do kraja :D

Re: It Follows (2014)

Posted: 20 Mar 2015, 11:02
by Decadentor
odbijam poslusati soundtrack prije nego pogledam film :!: :!: