Brutal (2007)

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Brutal (2007)

Post by sandi » 04 Dec 2010, 15:09


STORYLINE : A young sheriff's deputy, Zoe Adams, investigates a series of murders and soon realizes a serial killer is on the loose. As she and her boss, sheriff Jimmy Fleck, feel the pressure of finding the killer, their love affair begins to falter. Meanwhile, Zoe teams up with the autistic bloodhound trainer, Leroy Calhoun, and together they start connecting the dots between the killer's mysterious clues. With Zoe's determination and Leroy's amazing mathematical talents, they eventually solve the riddle and track down the ingenious murderer. But when Zoe learns that she is the ultimate object of the killer's obsession, will the dysfunctional Leroy be able to save her before it's too late?

Jeffrey Combs - Sheriff Jimmy Fleck
Sarah Thompson - Zoe Adams
Michael Berryman - Leroy Calhoun

Jebem skoro svaki dan...skoro jučer, skoro prekjučer...

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Re: Brutal (2007)

Post by Ašow » 04 Dec 2010, 19:13

Ovo mi je nesto poznato, nemogu se uopce sjetiti jesam li gledao, što znači da ću ga staviti na repertoar.
mozda je neki sound clip iz filma ili nesto... nemogu se sjetiti.

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Re: Brutal (2007)

Post by remike2 » 04 Dec 2010, 19:20

Meni loš film, nimalo mi nije sjeo.
But, you know, I knew something must be rotten in Denmark. There was no way you could like me that much. Man, I can't tell you how relieved I was when you took off your dress, you... you didn't have a dick.

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