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The Crazies (2009)

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 23:40
by dr_gonzo
Directed: Breck Eisner


Writing credits
Scott Kosar (screenplay)
George A. Romero (characters)
Ray Wright

Timothy Olyphant
Radha Mitchell
Joe Reegan ... Billy Babcock

Release Date: September 25, 2009

"- The military attempts to contain a killer man-made virus that causes death and permanent insanity in those infected."

- Originally set up at Rogue Pictures and Paramount, before it went to Overture Films, who will be handling producing and distributing duties.
- Said to "modernize" the original story.
- Original writer/creator George Romero will executive produce.
- Michael Aguilar and Dean Georgaris are set to produce at their Penn Station production company.
- A remake of the original 1972 George Romero flick
- Ray Wright is currently rewriting the script, taking over where Scott Kosar left off, and director Brad Anderson (Session 9) has been replaced by Breck Eisner (Sahara). No word as to why Brad left the project.

Evo o čemu se pričalo dok se nije promijenio scenarist i redatelj:
Dread Central had an interview with writer Scott Kosar on the film, and in it they went over the direction the film will head and its comparison to 28 Days Later, saying: "28 Day Later has become another one of those movies that the studio executives really refer to. That's been a challenge from the beginning of the process of writing The Crazies -- how to do a version of this that doesn’t feel derivative, that feels fresh. The answer is the victims in this story, the townsfolk that are exposed to a biological agent that drives them all insane and makes them murderous. We are not portraying them as zombies. We are portraying them as realistic as possible, as infected people who are aware they are infected. They don’t die; they are not zombies; they are people who were driven to madness as a result of this infection. These ordinary law abiding citizens become dangerously primal, impulsive people who act on these murderous impulses."

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 00:19
by horkolerbus
cover izgleda futuristicki

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 01:16
by HorrorHR
nisam ni original gledao :oops:

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 09:17
by Mistrija
Obecava...vrlo. :D

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 20:05
by _ esz _
Ova me maska na prvu podsjetila na MY BLODY VALENTINE ... :D

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 20:07
by A$H
mene na fallout..

uglavnom veselim se filmu..mislim da ce bit okay..

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 20:19
by dr_gonzo
HorrorHR wrote:nisam ni original gledao :oops:
:pointlaugh: :roll: :? Nisam ni ja :oops: :oops: :bicovanje:

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 21:38
by HorrorHR
Ajd baciti ću DVD u shopping queue, pa da i to vidimo - čisto da se pripremim za nastavak :lol: :lol:

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 22:09
by elrania
HorrorHR wrote:Ajd baciti ću DVD u shopping queue, pa da i to vidimo - čisto da se pripremim za nastavak :lol: :lol:

By Ash - remake.. :lol: :lol:

pogledaj neces pozalit..

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 22:12
Original je odličan 8) Gledao ga kao klinac i nisam nekoliko mjeseci normalno spavao :lol:

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 02:22
by dr_gonzo
Ja još nisam gledao original jeben mu... :cry:

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 11:09
by boyko
zvuči zanimljivo.nadam se da bude dobar :)

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 11:13
by Ghrall
Original mi je bio sasvim dobar iako bi ga trebao ponovno pogledati, a ovaj rimejk me također zanima.

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 19:42
by ZeroX
Neznam. I have a bad feeling about this one...

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 20:38
by bakero
dobro zvuči!