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Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 07:35
by john_constantine
Neki dan su našli tijelo u vodi kod hidrocentrale na Dravi nakon što je lik nestao. Auto je bio parkiran u blizini hidrocentrale. Idalje se sumnja da je mogući uzrok smrti cjepivo.

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 10:47
by Michel
Da, sjećam se tog u osmom mjesecu ... ave-853419 znam da su njegovi roditelji rekli kako se cjepio par mjeseci prije i da je počeo imati epileptičke napade koje prije nikada nije imao i neke masnice od cjepiva. Tako da je vjerojatno doživio epileptični napad od cjepiva i nažalost poginuo.

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 10 Oct 2022, 16:49
by John_Ryder
Neću se cijepit.Nek Plenki i Alenka nađu druge pokusne kuniće za brisel i WHO.

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 29 Nov 2022, 17:14
by Michel
Ogromna, al baš ogromna preporuka za one otvorenog uma ... -jane-ruby

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 29 Nov 2022, 17:44
by john_constantine
To je slika krokodila na slici, a ne ugrušak...

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 17:08
by Michel

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 30 Dec 2022, 11:00
by John_Ryder
Andrew Tate uhićen! Greta Tunbreg slavi!

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 30 Dec 2022, 22:59
by Michel
Ne znaš pravu istinu, sve ti je to namještaljka. Andrew radi za elitu kao i Greta. Andrewov otac je bio CIA. Izvoli prouči ova videa i pazi kako mu je rođendan promijenjen iz 29. (kad je uhićen) u 1. 12. sve ti je u videu.

With all the attention he has been getting and the amount of people that are tuning into his network I feel like this is a big ass distraction and something big is going on right now that we gotta find out, remember this guy is everywhere and has everybody’s attention worldwide not just in the US so I think something big is going on behind closed doors cause now everybody head gonna be turned the wrong direction and focusing on this instead of what they really trynna do, let me know if y’all find any info, be safe out here man, scary world
Humiliation Ritual. Ain’t nothing going to happen to him. And his father prepared them for this. Next!!!
It might be a car crash death in his bugatti . If tate is sacrificed or fakes his own death something cliché like that.
Either they finna clone him or Andrew gonna sacrifice his brother. It’s too obvious if they take him out.
All the characters are being taken from the media....they've served their purpose. All eyes on us (the people) now...
He holding up that hand sign to show that they are down with it. I remember someone I know told me that he use to be a mason and how all they had to do was hold up certain hand sign and the police will let them off the hook. They showing their alliance.
it’s crazy how these characters sign up or are born into the world stage, when this character dies off half of the world is gonna be sad just to feed off their energy (harvest). and the masses won’t even know abt it because only 10% are really seeing what’s going on.
Changing his birthday , rebirth...they about to clone him people and he accepted because therefore they wouldn't have change his birthday. That's why he looks so calm.
Respect the hussle, my man! The numbers add up, so you can't deny that too. Problem is people gonna write you off as crazy except for us who know the truth. Personally I think he will come out clean but will also now clean his act up and become irrelevant in purpose, save his own life etc. Let's see how it pans out but damn this is all looking legit like a cover up from "them". I also can see this is a cover up to distract us from some real news that will happen soon, a distraction so to speak...
Very good as usual. He is a new age Howard stern. From what I can see you don't get to mouth off like that unless the controllers are behind it. HE is just another fantasy puppet. Great job as usual thank you

I čeka se premijera ovog

Dakle, istražuj jer sve ti je namješteno čitav svijet.

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 31 Dec 2022, 00:06
by John_Ryder
Ima malog pišu.I on je izvan matrice!

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 31 Dec 2022, 10:11
by john_constantine
Muškarac do kraja. Zauzimao se za mušku slobodu i ženama oduzimao slobodu.

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 10 Feb 2023, 01:19
by Michel
Odvratno što pokušavaju. Pa jebote u mojem razredu nije bilo nikog tko se osjećao drugačijim spolom nego što to je, a danas svaki razred ima neku djevojčicu koja je muško ili muškog koji je žensko. Ma cijela civilizacija se raspada pred našim očima.

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 10 Feb 2023, 02:50
by John_Ryder
te sve pederčne financira Soroš

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 10 Feb 2023, 09:05
by hitman_4
željka markić je antibiotik za mozemovce i sdp

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 10 Feb 2023, 09:44
by john_constantine
Michel wrote:
10 Feb 2023, 01:19
Odvratno što pokušavaju. Pa jebote u mojem razredu nije bilo nikog tko se osjećao drugačijim spolom nego što to je, a danas svaki razred ima neku djevojčicu koja je muško ili muškog koji je žensko. Ma cijela civilizacija se raspada pred našim očima.

Navodno da se mijenja DNK djeci pod utjecajem okoline, loše prehrane i lošeg načina života + mentalitet. Zato je sve veći poremećaj kod djece. Naročito jer su izložena glupostima, loš odgoj i sve ostalo. Djeca se danas ne znaju nositi s stresom i životom.

Sve je u redu dok imamo normalne zakone, pa ne može nitko mijenjati spolove. Nije toliki biznis kao u Americi gdje su druga pravila i zakoni

Re: Mediji i covid

Posted: 10 Feb 2023, 14:18
by john_constantine
Da bar michel promijeni spol, pa da možemo govoriti: ma jebeš mičelu.