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Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 11 May 2021, 03:13
by John_Ryder
Ti njega baš voliš?

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 11 May 2021, 03:19
by Michel
Ne volim ga, isti mi je ko da gledam rozog kiboka ali entuzijastički reagiram na takve stvari jer volim ono o čemu priča. Volim horor filmove i ne-fizičke stvari :zubifale:

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 25 May 2021, 02:27
by Michel
Mišak po treći put gostovao u podcastu nisam još gledao budem ovih dana kada stignem. Ima i novu knjigu

Fala k...u vise, da je Misak ponovno gost.
Da nema Krešimira Mišaka trebalo bi ga izmisliti! Ova njegova "predavanja" treba uvesti u škole u nekom predmetu koji bi se možda zvao "Kako misliti svojom glavom". Odličan podkast!
Čovjek koji ce na svako pitanje dati tocan i opsiran odgovor bez potrebe da se postavlja podpitanje,bilo da se radi o bilo kojoj sver znanosti,da je nekakav naucnik vjerovatno bih bio nobelovca, obozavam tog lika,vec znam da ce biti top podkast
Svatko bi trebao poslusat Kresu, covjek prica argumentirano i sistematizirano te za sve ima izvor podataka, on ne izmislja vec donosi zdravorazumske zakljucke
Ovaj čovjek je čudo 😂 Uvijek zanimljiv gost koji ti točno govori ono šta trebaš čuti točno u trenutku kad ti je to potrebno, dok možda neki ni ne znaju da im je potrebno! Hodajući sinkronicitet! Iako se nekad priče ponavljaju, dobro se podsjetit nekih elementarnih informacija i savjeta za sadašnje izazove života.
Krešica! Iskrene čestitke na novoj knjizi Čudno i na novom albumu Hakune Matate.💐
Kao što sam već negdje napisala: Ti si Bolja, Razumna, Genijalna Hrvatska!
Beautiful mind!
Sretni smo da te imamo!
Kresu treba poslat na Joe Rogana bas me zanima sta bi Joe reka, bia bi top podcast. Ako ko ima vezu molin vas da to rjesite😉

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 25 Jun 2021, 22:33
by Michel ... barceloni/

Oduzeo si život a ovo je on napisao ... -nakamoto/ ... akamoto%2F
“Dobivam suptilne poruke od američkih zvaničnika koji mi doslovno kažu: ‘Dolazimo po tebe McAfee! Ubit ćeš se.’ Danas sam se tetovirao za svaki slučaj. Ako se ubijem, (znajte da) nisam. Roknuli su me. Pogledajte moju desnu ruku”, napisao je McAfee.

Uz tweet objavio je i tetovažu na kojoj je pisalo “Whacked” (roknut).

A to nije kraj.

oktobra prošle godine John McAfee je najavio šta će mu se desiti. Odnosno, šta mu se desilo jučer.
“Zadovoljan sam ovdje. Imam prijatelja, a hrana je dobra. Sve je dobro. Da znate, ako se objesim kao Epstein, neću ja biti kriv”.

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 09:19
by john_constantine
Jadno to što oni koji imaju višak love ne žele plaćati poreze dok sirotinja uredno plaća poreze.

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 10:12
by hitman_4
ostavština teorija zavjere, neloše. Jel itko od vas koristio taj antivirus?

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 13:10
by john_constantine
Jedanput i to greškom preko apdejta gom playera. Brzo je završio na delete.

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 02 Nov 2021, 21:59
by Michel
Nisam nikad bio ljubitelj Russella Branda ali u zadnje vrijeme slušam njegov podcast i čovjek se na bolje promijenio, mijenja svoje stavove i skužio sam da je naš. Naš zavjerenik koji vidi izvan ove iluzije u kojoj živimo.

Evo i Rogana kako je razotkrio CNN i njihove laži. Pazite vi to, oni svjesno lažu, SVJESNO i opet nitko ništa nikome nije čudno.

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 17:34
by John_Ryder
Nek se Rogan pazi, CNN je pod vlasništvom i kontrolom židova, kao i pola medija na planetu, a oni su puni gnjeva i osvete, zna se zašto

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 17 Jan 2022, 03:18
by Michel
Kratak dokumentarac o korjenima sotonizma, ekumenizma i Novog svjetskog poretka..., orgijanja, pedofilije, incesta i drugih seksualnih izopačenosti među današnjom elitom...
- 1666. g. Sabbatai Zevi proglasio se židovskim mesijom, odvojio od ortodoksnih židova i osnovao vlastitu religiju. Privukao je polovinu europskih židova obećavajući im povratak u njihovu postojbinu Palestinu.
Nova religija se temeljila na svemu suprotnom od onoga što su propisivala tradicionalna židovska učenja svetih knjiga; izopačio je svaki standard židovske pristojnosti. Sve što je bilo nemoralno postalo je moralno; sve što je bilo sveto preokrenuo je u nesveto. Nije više bilo krivice ni grijeha; ispravnog ili neispravnog. Nije više bilo seksualnih tabua ni deset zapovijedi... ... 5822678958 :kokicarenje:
David lck3 - "Odmetnički um je um koji kritički razmišlja, koji postavlja pitanja i koji ima samopoštovanje.
Samopoštovanje uma je okončalo svaku tiraniju u ljudskoj povijesti jer samopoštovanje kaže: Ne, ne surađujem." ... 1699371037

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 17 Jan 2022, 06:54
by john_constantine
Obećaš djeci kolu, snickers i igračku, reći će sve što im kažeš

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 17 Jan 2022, 10:49
by John_Ryder
john_constantine wrote:
17 Jan 2022, 06:54
Obećaš djeci kolu, snickers i igračku, reći će sve što im kažeš
:pointlaugh: :pointlaugh: :pointlaugh:

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 03:35
by Michel
Može i u raskrinkavanja temu ali i ovu.

latest is Tom Hanks who's been outed on you tube as the lost Rockefeller son who disappeared in papa New Guinea. Hanks might be female(?)
Bloody hell, that part at the end about crimes before they have been committed reminds me of the Tom Cruise film Minority Report!! Spooky! 😬
It's the D-Wave A.I. Quantum Computer, reported to be able to
see into the future by upto 7 days and that the Elites can view their false flag events and adjust any changes needed to succeed.
Wow, I'd heard about 911 being a satanic ritual but not about the leaked document. Yes sad times we live in, unfortunately too many people are still asleep (sheep) and it's been going on for so long now that there is probably no turning back. The most frustrating thing is that it's been slapping us right in the face this whole time/hidden in plain sight 🤦‍♂️
Dude in glasses sure does blink a lot and has a hard time looking straight ahead.
Bill has a q angle below his crotch( female only)
Shakira is a man and her famous song was " hips don't lie"( the q angle is the outermost curve of the upper thigh/ hip) for men it's above the crotch,for women it's below the crotch.
Beyonce is male name means " Boy-once"
There's a possibility that Elvis was female,,and Clint and Kyle Eastwood too.
Kyle for sure.
Carry Fisher of starwars Fame was male.. Harrison Ford told that.
Most of these transgenders are victims and didn't choose the life.
All I can say is that you should
*turn away from all things of this
World that will lead your Soul into Destruction* and porn will most certainly lead you to go therein.

I would also say you can leave your Amber Alerts on because that could lead to saving a child, but everything else I would disable...and go Airplane mode when in Public places...but most importantly, you should seek a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and abandon all things of this wicked World for these are the end of days and much death and destruction are coming and tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.
Most, if not all those rappers you listen to are Satanists, with membership with the Boule Society aka Black Skull&Bonesmen (established 117 years ago) though, they will lie about who they are on their webpage.

CERN will be Activated soon, once enough of the World's population has received the Mark 💉 the mNRA
5G Pulse Electroporation Hybridization DNA Modifier

Without Jesus, there is no Salvation

God Bless
So now Bill Gates is a scientist 😂👌 suuuuuuurrre
Jezivo prvi dio

They need to be thoroughly transvestigated. That Lady is not a lady I don't think
Looking at their wedding picture, that is what I was thinking. That AIN'T them! BUT I have bad eyes so what do I know...
Bill is actually a she
These aren’t the real ones. They don’t even look like the real ones
why does Melinda appear to have male brow ridges, lg male ears and nose, large male chin, male jaw line, wide male face, sloping male forehead, and large male head?
Didn't they die in 2013 and were replaced with clones, body doubles, etc.???
Melinda looks like Robin Williams, but these people make me throw up 🤮
That’s not the same woman from years ago,look up her pics
Whatever that is,it’s not Melinda Gates
Seems to be a lot of that these days,right?😏
Jezivo drugi dio

For me personally, this Melinda is clearly a Trans-man. Look at his/her big hands and wide shoulders. The big thumbs, the strong neck muscles. The strong chin and cheek bones.
The nose is almost similar to the one of the actor Harry Lyme from Home Alone.
And if you look at Bill Gates himself, he has nowadays the face of a cute old lady. Also during his life, overall, he uses too many female hand gestures. A high pitched voice and almost no beard grow.
No they can't fool me anymore, there''s definitely something very very odd about this couple, no doubt about that!! In fact it's creepy
I’ve seen pictures of Melinda and I thought “damn, its a dude”. I’ve told few people but they said I am wired.
This video has proven me that there is something wrong with others not me.
It’s a dude yo. World went mad guys..
Yep. Bill is a woman and Malinda is man, there are many more celebrities who are inverted just like them!
I think she was replaced by this actor ten or fifteen years ago. Some say Kevin Kline. I'm leaning towards Robin Williams. Check out some pictures of Robin when he played Mrs. Doubtfire and his manorisims in The bird cage...
Brow height, nose shape, face shape = Issa man!!!!!
Cant remember Melinda Gates always looked like this. Did they kill the original Melinda and change her with this abomination?
If you type in Bill and Melinda Gates, then and now, you will see that they are totally different people...
The eyebrows so close to tops of eyes. Also, eyes being close together are male traits. "She" has to be a guy. It wouldn't be too bad-looking if it went back to being a man, but as a woman, quite ghastly.
If you look at photos of Melinda gates from a long time ago compared to today, it does not look like the same person!! I think they replaced her, cloned her, or something along those lines.. two completely different people from then to now

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 17:07
by John_Ryder
Štreberko sotona.

Re: Cooper, Icke, Peterson, Mišak, Malnar i ostali fun club

Posted: 11 Feb 2022, 23:07
by Michel
Al baš je jeziv s ovim poluosmijehom