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Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 16:56
by Fräulein Unbekann
Sve mi je to radila neka ženska( neke tabele i hrpa nejasnoća :D ) i od svega mi se samo dve-tri stvari poklapaju. Nije da verujem u to al' je zanimljivo :)

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 16:58
by Asfodel
Baš to, fora za čitati i zabavljati se pritom. Ustvari, meni su zanimljive uglavnom one smiješne pizdarije kojih smo se načitali u topicu :)
Fräulein Unbekann wrote:Strelac, u podznaku vodenjak. Nije baš pogodilo. :D
Na forumu svaka druga osoba strijelac :lol:

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 17:03
by metallicat
Asfodel wrote:Na forumu svaka druga osoba strijelac :lol:
istina, a u RL neznam skoro nikog heh

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 20:14
by Alastorus
Dvostruki škorpion + zmaj, pa se vi zajebavajte :lol:

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 22:04
by Asfodel
I doimaš se izvana takvim, brate po horoskopu :lol:

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 22:14
by Alastorus
Moon in Scorpio
The sign occupied by the Moon at your time of birth is an indicator of your emotional and physical nature. It describes your unconscious, instinctive reactions, what is innate, perhaps inherited from your mother or reflected in the feminine dimension of your life. It tells us what kind of experience you need in order to feel emotionally satisfied.

Scorpio is one of the water signs, signs of the of tides of life and emotions. With the Moon in this sign, your primary need is that of intensity of emotional experience. You have an intense nature and will, in your life time, experience extremes of pleasure and of pain. Half measures are not for you; you have strong likes and dislikes and cannot be persuaded easily to change plans or opinions. It is as though particular feelings or fascinations literally grab hold of you, so that you have no choice in the matter at all. This is the nature of compulsion or obsession – to which you are naturally very prone. But you don’t express or reveal these powerful feelings easily. They live at such a deep level that you yourself are often unaware of what you are really feeling, so that when they do erupt, you surprise yourself as much as other people by the ruthlessness or destructiveness of which you can be capable.

The underworld exerts a powerful pull on your emotions. You will be fascinated by the darker side of life. Subjects such as detective stories, the occult or sexuality are arenas that will satisfy your need to penetrate the depths of hidden mysteries in order to discover the Secret. You’re a natural psychotherapist and may be privy to the darkest secrets of many of your friends. You yourself may sometimes be accused of being secretive, but it’s more of a need for privacy. Having your own private space to which you can withdraw physically when those dark moods come upon you may forestall accusations from lovers or family that you have withdrawn emotionally. Your deepest fear is of being abandoned and to that end you can be very demanding in relationships and prone to painful jealousy. Try to develop consciousness of your emotional processes and speak out at the first rumbling of resentment – that way you may forestall the volcanic eruption that is sure, sooner or later, to lay waste to everything around you!

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 22:22
by elrania
jbt, horoskopski snagator :lol:

ja sam pobrala divnost preko blizanca :mrgreen: i astrološku pizdavost kroz bika i vagu. al zato (zemljani) zmaj kuri vatru kad treba :D

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 22:35
by Alastorus
Jane Doe wrote:malo za zabavu
Native American Animal Zodiac ... mbols.html
Snejk :D

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 04 Sep 2011, 23:21
by Info
Kao klinac sam stalno čitao horoskop :zubifale: i kad god je bilo nešto točno, bio sam veseo :partyman: no sad mi je drago što je to neviđena glupost epskih razmjera i ti znakovi mi ništa ne znače pa kad me netko pita što sam po horoskopu samo kažem ne znam ili se pravim da ne znam što je to. :supz:

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 07:15
by Jane Doe
volim horoskop, bilo kakav, nema veze... takve stvari su mi super zabavne i mislim da im je to i svrha

jbt. koji sendvić :zubifale:

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 09:58
by Wendigo
kina - željezni pijetao
indija - krokodil
sjevernoamerički indijanci - vidra

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 10:49
by Jane Doe
Wendigo wrote:vodenjak
kina - željezni pijetao
indija - krokodil
sjevernoamerički indijanci - vidra
indija?? za taj još neznam...
indijanci vele da sam vuk
kinezi da sam pas (vodeni)
sad još ove moram nać, pa provjerit :mrgreen:
fun fun fun (in the sun sun sun :zubifale: )

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 11:10
by elrania
indija rekla da sam dupli bik :D
ima smisla, pogotovo 2. dio 3. rečenice.

VRISHABHA (Bik, 16. 5. – 16. 6.) – VELIKO SRCE

Ovo je znak komunikativnosti i umjetnosti izražavanja u javnosti. Ne volite nemar i površnost. Neprekidno skrbite za svoje najbliže, ali ste u odnosima s drugima oprezni i ne volite preveliku bliskost dok ne steknete povjerenje. Puni ste ljubavi i velikog srca, pa stalno čeznete za romantikom. Jedan ste od najvjernijih partnera osobi koja vas voli.

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 11:22
by Jane Doe
elrania wrote:indija rekla da sam dupli bik :D
ima smisla, pogotovo 2. dio 3. rečenice.

VRISHABHA (Bik, 16. 5. – 16. 6.) – VELIKO SRCE

Ovo je znak komunikativnosti i umjetnosti izražavanja u javnosti. Ne volite nemar i površnost. Neprekidno skrbite za svoje najbliže, ali ste u odnosima s drugima oprezni i ne volite preveliku bliskost dok ne steknete povjerenje. Puni ste ljubavi i velikog srca, pa stalno čeznete za romantikom. Jedan ste od najvjernijih partnera osobi koja vas voli.
a jeba ga ja, daj link :zubifale:

sad me zanima, pogotovo nakon ovog di mi je mjesec u ribi reko da volim pit i pušit :zubifale:

Re: Što ste u horoskopu?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 11:23
by elrania