Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 26 Feb 2023, 19:29

Cons, budeš malo pričekao s ovim ne znam ni otkud da krenem iako mi je jako poznata sotonistička kabala i pedofilija i zašto elita tako ide po afričkim zemljama među klince pogotovo engleska monarhija to je kompletan pedofilski biznis, ali u vezi Konga moram baš dig deep.

Nego, evo nešto što sam upravo pogledao. Svi smo voljeli igricu Super Mario, a pogledajte sad ovo fasciniran sam s ovim videom i koliko ta igrica ima okultnog, masonskog. Tko god je ovo igrao ustvari se je sam prolazio kroz masonski ritual i ovo nije nikakva teorija, ovo je stvarno tako sve vam je lijepo objašnjeno u videu. Za ljubitelje igrica, pogotovo onih starih poput mene obavezno must see stvarno zanimljivo.

Thanks for making this. Not enough people are aware of the truth present in these works
The influence of masons is everywhere and 2020 and 2021 pretty much show how connected everything is (there you have your globilization and there is more). Frankly, I was just watching some old N64 footage and out of nowhere I remembered the checker floor in SM64, so I was curious if someone noticed that as well.
I cannot thank you enough for making this video. Legit, I could not find a single video covering the whole Mario 64 Free Mason, especially at this detail. Love this so much~!!
Nintendo means “The Way of Heaven and Earth.”
The final fantasy series, most of the Nintendo only releases, were about killing God in some way… that always troubled me.
Honestly never thought that Mario 64 could have so much in-depth law and in-depth theories on the game. Jesus Christ this is amazing.
yea not surprised considering this game is instilled in so many peoples childhoods, these muppets have they're paws in pretty much anything mainstream(im not talking only of masons). thank you for taking the time to compile all of this.
Man this was actually really fun to watch. Usually theories like this just bore me, but you did a good job with it.
No wonder why it has been re-released so many times. They want to make sure to expose the younger people to the ritual. Also reason why it's one of the most popular games amongst the speedrun & Twitch communities.
Looking back on zelda oot, I remember thinking recently " I wonder if this game is some sort of masonic, enlightenment, digital ritual. " then I played the pc port recently and omg it was amazing with that theory in mind. I love it even more now. I found this video looking for that zelda theory - really good video i do like mario 64 too . I hope you look at oot sometime. ( I do not believe the masons or the iluminatti is all about devil worship and all that. )
Uglavnom, polagano se moram vratiti ovoj temi vidim da sam je zapostavio tako da očekujte barem 4 puta tjedno novo raskrinkavanje :supz: :kokicarenje:
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 21 Mar 2023, 00:59

Obećao sam vam da se polako vraćam ovoj temi pa krećemo s nečime što sam prije obožavao gledati a to su određeni youtube kanali koji raskrinkavaju scammere :zubifale: i ti scameri su uglavnom iz Afrike i Azije. Za početak ovaj video. Tip je uspio otvoriti web kameru scammera svaki put i snimiti ih :D

Malo komentara:
I work at a bank. And because of your videos I’ve been able to help several people not get scammed by these people. Watching your videos and knowing how to scam works has really helped me to be able to help others not get scammed. Thank you!
As an Indian, it's shameful for us that most of the scammers are from our country but the more shameful fact is that our government doesn't take strict actions against these scammers.
My 87 year old uncle was recently scammed out of $40k by someone posing as a virus protection software. I’ve always enjoyed these videos but it really hits hard when it happens to you. I now have even more appreciation for what you do! Keep doing what you’re doing! Love your work!
I work at a hotel and its still crazy that I helped a woman who was in the middle of giving her bank information to a scammer and was able to save her because of you!
It’s insane these people don’t get arrested no matter where they live. Scamming is so evil in any facet.
I cant imagine how much people suffer because they get scammed by their life savings
I love your work!
Keep up the great work. I've actually seen comments defending these predators. Saying things like they have no other options, or are forced to do it, or need to feed their families etc etc etc.

My Father died when I was quite young and money was scarce. So my Mother worked 2 jobs, and as soon as I was of age I got a paper route, and my sister would babysit for money. So I have no pity on these scammers.
Thank you pierogi and the scammer paybacks team for protecting innocent people and exposing and reporting these scammers. It has to be done otherwise they will not learn and stop. It's really wrong what they are doing. They should go to jail. All of them. I love watching your videos. I'm a huge fan. Thank you so much. ❤🙏
Zanimljivo mi je to što je većina scammer iz Afrike/Azije. Vjerojatno zato što tamo vlada siromaštvo pa su se scammeri pojavili.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 21 Mar 2023, 03:14

Kome si obećao?


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 21 Mar 2023, 06:53

Svima vama i svim ljudima koji čitaju dobio sam mali milijun poruka pa postoji određena odgovornost oko ove teme. :P
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 21 Mar 2023, 10:55

Michel wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 06:53
Svima vama i svim ljudima koji čitaju dobio sam mali milijun poruka pa postoji određena odgovornost oko ove teme. :P
Ma dobil si milijun kurca. :finga:
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 21 Mar 2023, 11:06

john_constantine wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 10:55
Michel wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 06:53
Svima vama i svim ljudima koji čitaju dobio sam mali milijun poruka pa postoji određena odgovornost oko ove teme. :P
Ma dobil si milijun kurca. :finga:
Baš to, da nema nas, nitko mu nebi ni otvarao te postove a kamoli čitao hahahahaha


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 21 Mar 2023, 12:29

Ljudi mi šalju konstantno poruke da održavamo ovu temu živom i da se pozabavim sa scam artistima jer ljudi koji su mi se javili su prevareni od strane njih pa će idućih par postova na ovoj temi biti posvećeno njima poseban pozdrav za malu trešnju, walkera37, Giricu, sirena bez zvuka, Dom55 i Žanitaaa...

Tako da bolje pričajte jeste li vi imali iskustva sa scam artistima? Pomoć će ljudima.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 21 Mar 2023, 14:41

Michel wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 12:29
Ljudi mi šalju konstantno poruke da održavamo ovu temu živom i da se pozabavim sa scam artistima jer ljudi koji su mi se javili su prevareni od strane njih pa će idućih par postova na ovoj temi biti posvećeno njima poseban pozdrav za malu trešnju, walkera37, Giricu, sirena bez zvuka, Dom55 i Žanitaaa...

Tako da bolje pričajte jeste li vi imali iskustva sa scam artistima? Pomoć će ljudima.
Znači, nije hitmanović tvoj jedini klon.
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 21 Mar 2023, 15:17

Jedino tko ima klona si ti, jel tako elrania?

Svi ovi ljudi čujemo se preko facea jer na faceu održavamo stranicu, u horor grupama sam i ima jedna najveća u kojoj su horor fanovi iz Srbije, Bosne, Hrvatske. I odlična ekipa tako da svi zajedno rastemo, mogao bi se i ti malo socijalizirati :P

Svi oni čitaju forum svakodnevno.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by john_constantine » 21 Mar 2023, 20:14

Michel wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 15:17
Jedino tko ima klona si ti, jel tako elrania?

Svi ovi ljudi čujemo se preko facea jer na faceu održavamo stranicu, u horor grupama sam i ima jedna najveća u kojoj su horor fanovi iz Srbije, Bosne, Hrvatske. I odlična ekipa tako da svi zajedno rastemo, mogao bi se i ti malo socijalizirati :P

Svi oni čitaju forum svakodnevno.
Ryder je elrania, ne ja. :zubifale:
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 21 Mar 2023, 20:41

john_constantine wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 20:14
Michel wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 15:17
Jedino tko ima klona si ti, jel tako elrania?

Svi ovi ljudi čujemo se preko facea jer na faceu održavamo stranicu, u horor grupama sam i ima jedna najveća u kojoj su horor fanovi iz Srbije, Bosne, Hrvatske. I odlična ekipa tako da svi zajedno rastemo, mogao bi se i ti malo socijalizirati :P

Svi oni čitaju forum svakodnevno.
Ryder je elrania, ne ja. :zubifale:
Neeee, ja sam Asfodel :finga: :rock: :butthead:


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 21 Mar 2023, 23:02

john_constantine wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 20:14
Michel wrote:
21 Mar 2023, 15:17
Jedino tko ima klona si ti, jel tako elrania?

Svi ovi ljudi čujemo se preko facea jer na faceu održavamo stranicu, u horor grupama sam i ima jedna najveća u kojoj su horor fanovi iz Srbije, Bosne, Hrvatske. I odlična ekipa tako da svi zajedno rastemo, mogao bi se i ti malo socijalizirati :P

Svi oni čitaju forum svakodnevno.
Ryder je elrania, ne ja. :zubifale:
Oh, my bad :P

Idemo dalje...

Jezivi scammer :zubifale: haha, kako ih razotkriva :supz:

This maybe cringe, but at least you are destroying the scammers. That’s what matters.
50 shades of Scammer. What a beautiful, steamy love story. It had my heart racing. Bravo.
He looked like he was about to throw up with how uncomfortable he was. It's very creepy honestly, I don't blame Pierogi at all.
Pierogi’s face of disgust was so funny to watch 🤣And destroying scammers whilst chugging a pint...classic. On the contrary. I'll sleep tonight and every night as long as Pierogi's here looking out for all of us. Kinda like those nights when you come home after a hot date that didn't involve doing something irreversible, and as you drift to sleep, every breath is a sigh. I know this was a hard one for you, but you pulled it off like a champ! Thanks for doing what you do and educating us.
I love how they call out the other scammer "What they are doing is a scam!" But then it's "We need you to go the exact same thing, but it's not a scam."
I think it’s more nefarious than someone just being creepy. I feel like the scammers do this to take advantage of people who have Alzheimer’s, which is possibly one of the most disgusting thing I can imagine.
I have to say this isn't really creepy. Its HILARIOUS!! Technically you started it. He was probably making the same gag faces you were as he was saying whatever he needed to say to keep "you" compliant. But I was cracking up for this whole video! "I'm taking a kiss, in your lips" 🤣🤣🤣 and the scenery changes are freakin genius! Love what you do man!
I work at a Swedish call centre for a telecom corporation as customer support. I get to talk to scam victims from time to time. Most victims I talk to are elderly, ages 65-85 mostly.
There is quite little we can do to help our customers with scammers, since most victims contact us after the fact. Some have had the remainder of their lives quite literally ruined by these "people."

I cannot express how happy you guys at SP make me with your videos. I watch other scam baiters too, and the length to which you guys are going to help these people brings me to tears.

Thank you! 😇
Znam da sam rekao da sam gotov sa Seagalom, ali čovjek kojeg sam najviše razotkrio na ovoj temi je vječna inspiracija pa moram opet. Izašao je novi video prije tri tjedna i odličan je baš za nasmijat se :zubifale: a i povezan je sa scamingom jer je Seagal scam artist.

I'll never get tired of listening to Steven Seagals douchiness. It's immaculate
For those who are completely unaware, Seagal got his first ever role because of a bet taken by his agent who said he could make the most unlikeable person a movie star, and used Seagal as that person.
I’m just disappointed that he’ll never face actual justice for all of the messed up shit he’s done.
"Steven Seagal is an amazing, gifted and enlightened human being"

- Steven Seagal
He's like that one kid in class that claimed he was all kinds of stuff and knew all different martial arts and lied about everything.
imagine how stressful to wake up and live a non stop lie every day
Extreme narcissism plus below average intelligence. Steven is the prime example of how such a person will look like. But sadly I have relatives like this and you just can not make them disappear. They will never learn from being humbled, no matter how often you expose their lies.
Istina, nikad ih dosta :D
Thank you for producing another "Steven Seagal is an obscene human being" video for me to watch. I've seen so many, and there's not enough.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Inferno » 22 Mar 2023, 19:32

Ko je ta Elrania?

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 22 Mar 2023, 20:44

Inferno wrote:
22 Mar 2023, 19:32
Ko je ta Elrania?
Bivša forumašica za kojom je puno forumaša slinilo :mrgreen:


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 23 Mar 2023, 09:07

Inferno wrote:
22 Mar 2023, 19:32
Ko je ta Elrania?
Prije dosta godina se otkrilo da elrania zapravo nije žensko već da je to Cons. Kad je stavljao sliku na slike forumaša, otkrili smo da je to uzeo negdje sa neta i kad je to bivši mod skužio, javio svima nama zajedničkom porukom da elrania mulja. Tad nismo znali da je elrania muško a kamoli Cons. Modovi su sve to pratili zajedno s nama i prvo je mislim forumšau Olio palo napamet da bi to mogao biti netko od forumaš i da mu je Elrania klon.

Modovi su počeli gledati IP adrese i iz prva su bila različite ali jedan dan su bile dvije iste IP adrese i bila je to od Consa :shock: Cons se tada razotkrio kao Elrania i modovi su mu rekli da bira, hoće li pisati kao žensko pod Elrania ili kao muško pod Constanine. Na kraju mu je Cons ostao a Elrania dobila vječni progon s foruma.

I sjećam se da nam se svima nama upalila žaruljica jer se Cons dosta puta hvalio kako se pali na transiće tako da ne čudi što je pisao kao žensko s tim nickom :P
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