Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 26 Jun 2022, 22:11

Evo ionako nova stranica pa neka bude na početku ove jer su oba videa jako zanimljiva.
Michel wrote:
26 Jun 2022, 21:52
Raskrinkavanje Jamesa Charlesa, ogromna preporuka. Naišao prije neki dan na ovaj youtube kanal i stvarno je odličan. Uglavnom radi videe o poznatim youtuberima koji su propali i objašnjava zašto.

The worst part of James is people rooted for him when he was genuinely being canceled by other makeup icons who were trying to "expose" him but then revealed himself to potentially be exactly what they were accusing him of being. Absolute scummiest move was posting a "taking accountability" video only to delete it after the heat died down so his new viewers wouldn't see it.
It’s such a shame because James Charles is a great example of how predators operate in the LBGTQ+ community by playing the “supportive, successful, harmless” gay man. Any criticism about them online gets thrown out because hateful, useless homophobic bullshit gets mixed in with the real message: You need to practice caution everywhere. No one is “on your side” just because they say they are. Regardless of orientation, you are not safe from being taken advantage of. And influencers are all playing a personality.
James has a predominantly child/teen audience, but when he does this shit it's just cancel culture. I work with kids and if accusations were sent against me I would be suspended, investigated and yeeted from my job more than likely. Being an influencer/celebrity is not a free pass to do this shit to children
Everything about this dude creeps me out. His face, his voice, his mannerisms, his personality, everything. He definitely does stuff with kids.
His hairstyle is the creepiest
What’s sad is that James Charles could have just done what Shane Dawson and Jeffrey Star did: go radio silent for a year and come back like nothing happened.
What’s crazy is that Jeffree is worse than James but the videos exposing everything he’s done over the years havent reached the widespread media and he used his money to cover it up. I hope all of them rot under a prison
Nisam dugo nešto od mojeg omiljenog Philiona stavio pa evo ima dosta snimljenih novih videa. U ovom videu raskrinkava kult Jareda Leta :D stavit ću po običaju neke zanimljive komentare pa pročitajte ima zanimljivih koji isto otkrivaju pravu sliku o tom bolesniku Letu čuo sam i prije različite priče ali sad kad vidim i komentare o da bolesni psihopata. Spominje i Hrvatsku neki otok na 5:30 i kako se Leto i njegov kult tamo okupljaju koji kurac :jawbreaker: ljudi gledajte ovo stvarno Leto je neka vrsta kultnog vođe ovo nisam znao da je toliko daleko otišlo

The funny thing is that Jered Leto looks exactly like you expect a cult leader would look like.
I honestly just thought Jared Leto was some cringelord in his late 20s or early 30s who was just immature because he grew up in the social media generation. The fact that he's much older and much creepier than I thought is quite baffling.
The fact that all this has happened, for years now, yet he still gets called for big roles in big movies.

Leto is wrong for his actions. Hollywood is worse for ignoring them, just like with any other actors/actresses before him.
One of my friends won a contest where he got to play guitar on-stage with 30 Seconds to Mars for a track. Apparently, Jared was very visibly annoyed at being shorter than my friend when they met backstage (who he would be next to on stage) so he changed his shoes to some boots with a significant heel. Always thought that was funny
Went to one of his concerts once, I was only about 5 rows from the stage (got the tickets for free through my moms work). When he first appeared on stage he just stood there with his arms spread out and sunglasses on as still as he could be for 2 solid minutes while the crowd cheered for him….. my moms friend was like “wow he’s definitely a jerk” 🤣
My friend is a colorist at a fancy Beverly Hills salon and did a house call for Jared Leto during the pandemic. He usually had the owner do his hair but he wasn't available and they sent my friend. He just gets his hair colored a pretty basic black. She brought the same exact formula he always gets and when she got there she says it was super uncomfortable and awkward throughout. He was reluctant to even let her touch him, kept telling her how to do her job and questioning her every move, questioning the formula she was using saying it wasn't the same, asking how long she had been doing hair in a suspicious manner (she has been with the salon about 10 years) and basically just made her to feel incompetent and of a lesser class to him. She said she would have walked out if it wasn't a celebrity client. Sounds like a real turd.
Totally believable. 🥴 Guy gives off sociopathic narc vibes
While a lot of celebrities come off narcissistic, Leto is one of the very few that has strong psychopathic vibes to me. I haven't been around him in person but I can imagine it's extremely uncomfortable. The interview bit especially gives me that impression, he comes off so unctious.
My partner attended a 30 seconds to Mars concert in the 2000s. He told me ge stood in line only for Leto to refuse to sign an autograph because my partner had not bought any merch. He mentioned how arrogant he was to him but not the women. He said he stopped being a fan right then and there. I always believed him because as pretty as Leto is he gives off a creepy as hell vibe. He seems dark inside
He has to have a pretty aggressive legal team, or he's blackmailing people. It's gonna be Savile all over again. He'll eventually die, there's gonna be a bunch of loving tributes, and then the allegations pour in. Because he's no longer a threat to anyone, the stories gain traction in the media and everyone does their "omg how could we have known" act. Nevermind that he was one of the most openly creepy individuals on the planet.
Everytime someone calls Jared Leto a "method actor" I die a little more inside. Stop it. He is not an actor, he's a haircut
I used to be a huge fan of 30 Seconds to Mars and Jared Leto (thirsty teenage girl problems), but it was a concert in 2009 that started to put me off of them. It was Jared’s ego that irritated me. It wasn’t a 30 Seconds to Mars concert, it was “the Jared Leto show”. I knew of the allegations of Jared’s creepiness, but, at that point, they were largely related to those Tumblr posts so were easy to ignore. His ego though? It has its own gravitational pull and is just so damn gross. How any of his fellow actors can be bothered being in movies alongside him is beyond me.
I'm SO GLAD that people are finally starting to call him out more/pay attention to the allegations against him, cause I do believe they are mostly true. Why? Cause I used to be a super fan of his/the band around 2006-2013 (thank god I never took a tattoo) and have met Jared in meet&greets/after the shows many times. At first I didn't see anything wrong in his behaviour. I was so starstruck, young and naive, that I didnt really question his weird vibes/shitty behavior. Or maybe I did a little bit, but I didn't want to admit to myself someone I idolized so badly, wasn't really who I thought they were at all. At some point I started to think more critically of jared. I realized he didn't really care about most of his fans and was putting on a fake smile. You paid for like 500€ for those meet&greets and couldn't even hug them, it was forbidden! He was very flirty with young fans too. At some point the whole band just became a one big cash grab/a cult of Jared for his mindless superfans, so I stopped being one myself. Since then I've felt I can't stand Jared cause I finally saw what he was truly like; egoistic, greedy, predatory, narcissistic and out of touch with reality. I also didn't like their new music. Back in 2008 I also talked to a fan who's friend (a groupie) had allegedly hooked up with Jared, and the girl was 15 at the time. Her story sounded believable to me. Creepy. It's sad cause I really liked/still do like their earlier music, but it's hard for me to enjoy it these days.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 26 Jun 2022, 22:42

Bio sam na njegovom koncertu 2011. :partyman: :kokicarenje:


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 27 Jun 2022, 02:30

Jesi išao jer ga slušaš ili random si se našao?

Evo još malo o kultu Jareda Leta. Meni ovo postaje sve bolesnije i bolesnije.

I've always known this guy would start a cult. He just has the look
Imagine going to a 30 seconds to mars concert and later see yourself in an advertisememt video for a cult.
Sooooo many women who have met him say the same thing. Then when I met him I ended up having the same exact story. I was working at the Playboy Mansion (a long time ago) taking photos and I saw all kinds of amazing celebrities ( Neil Patrick Harris, I am looking at you!) Jared Leto came dressed as a Catholic Priest. My job was to take photos of people next to life sized cardboard cut outs of Hugh and his Bunnies. All you had to do was come in, take a photo and come back in an hour after we print them out. There was a long line. But Jared would not get in front of the camera. He just stared at me and stood in various spots in the room. Everywhere else except in front of the damn camera. It got uncomfortable. I knew he wouldn't do anything since men pay $1,500 to be there and are ejected the minute any female complains against them (including me). His friend really wanted to stay at the party so he started asking Jared to get a move on. Total creep. He just stands and stares at whatever female is in the room (trust me, the cardboard cut outs were a thousand times better looking than me, he was NOT hitting on me). The only people I know who do this are on the Autism spectrum (not an insult, it's just something to think about).
“White night” is a reference to Jonestown 🥴🥴🥴 as in the Jonestown massacre. A “white night” was a code word for a night when they would rehearse a mass suicide.
This guy tried to sleep with me when I was underage and actually dressed up as him at one of his concerts (I did such a good job a bunch of people at the gig thought I was him). I was saved by a security guard who physically took me away from Leto and asked my age then made sure I got out and away okay. The guy is a massive creep and always has been. The fact that he gets away with this to this day is so wron
I worked at a concert venue once when his band had a show.. Yes, he is a creep. During the meet and greet/ photo Op, he, and only he, was touching and pulling at and grabbing at CLEARLY underage girls, or close enough that you should question it, saying things pretty borderline inappropriate as well. When his people and security would see it, they would just move the girls along.
man the Midsommar sequel looks intense
It's even worse when you think like... a lot of people who started getting into this band were also into a lot of bands in the "emo/alternative" scene. A lot of these people were misunderstood teens that felt lonely and they got a feeling of community and being heard with bands like these. Jared Leto is taking advantage of vulnerable or once-vulnerable people that of course will be more easily swayed into this ridiculous cult thing. It's really sad.
Jared Leto is a strange, strange man. I group him in the same category as Tony Robbin, Shane Dawson, and Jeffrey Star who all give me creepy, uncomfortable, narcissist vibes.
Jared Leto has always given off strong narcissistic vibes to me. There's just something creepy about him. Also, why is he not aging?!
look up adrenochrome.
Baby blood pumped with adrenaline...aka adrenochrome..
Inače sutra to jest danas ide EPSKO razotkrivanje nečega. Ne znam jeste li upoznati sa time, ja dosad nisam bio ali razotkriveno je. Stay tuned momci i djevojke jer danas ide nešto epic.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 27 Jun 2022, 17:53

Slušao sam tada 30 seconds to mars, imali su jebenih stvari, a i bivša je to slušala.Jebeno se proveli.I treba imat kult, šta fali kultevima.


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 27 Jun 2022, 19:58

Pričaš baš kao netko tko je u kultu. Fali mnogo toga, prije svega karakter i stav tih osoba koje su naivne i nezrele zato i jesu u kultu.

Inače, znam da željno iščekuje te današnje raskrinkavanje bit će malo kasnije strpite se i ne zaboravite, stay tuned.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 27 Jun 2022, 23:54

Evo ga idemo kako da krenem. Ovaj video je opet napravio meni omiljeni Philion, čovjek koji se pretvorio u neku vrstu inspektora za razoktrivanje. Video vam traje sat vremena (njegov najduži video dosad (inače ima od 10 do 20 minuta. Prije nego što stavim video malo ću se raspisati da vam objasnim o čemu se radi. Evo prvo što Philion kaže u opisu videa
This is the result of 100’s of hours of research, investigative journalism, and insight from experts in the field of art and internet culture. This investigation started 6 months ago when I was first made aware of https://gordongoner.com/
Preko 100 sati istraživanja, 6 mjeseci rada. Još nam je uz video dao i link koji dodatno raskrinkava tu grupu https://gordongoner.com/ naime, radi se Bored Ape Yacht Club za koju iskreno nikad nisam čuo jeste li vi? Uglavnom, Philion ih je raskrinkao da je to rasistička i nacistička grupa ljudi koja je scam. To ne bi bilo ništa toliko kontroverzno ali to je grupa koja je poznata u americi i koja zarađuje puno para i mnoge poznate osobe surađuju ili kupuju od njih među kojima je dosta crnaca. Naravno, ti crnci ne shvaćaju da je ovo rasitička grupa njima je to simpatično
any online media publications wrote about celebrities collecting Bored Apes in late 2021 and early 2022; Eminem, Gwyneth Paltrow, Shaquille O'Neal, Snoop Dogg, Mark Cuban, Post Malone, Stephen Curry, Paris Hilton, Jimmy Fallon, and Serena Williams are among various celebrities noted to have purchased Bored Apes. In some cases of celebrities owning Bored Ape NFTs, such as with Justin Bieber, it has been reported that the actual purchase of the NFT may not have been made by the celebrity themselves
A sad evo malo dokaza za fašizam/nacizam od strane te grupe.
Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) je serija od 10.000 antropomorfiziranih crtića o majmunima koji se prodaju kao NFT. Od pokretanja projekta u travnju 2021. vrijednost je narasla na više od 5 milijardi USD i potaknula mnoge slične projekte. Majmuni imaju različite odjevne i druge osobine, većina osobina je rasno orijentirana ili uključuje neku vrstu vojne povijesti. Čin omalovažavanja nekoga uspoređujući ga s majmunom/majmunom seže stotinama godina unatrag. Za to postoji riječ "simianizacija". Postoji mnogo primjera kroz povijest, njegova je svrha opravdati nasilje i rasizam protiv druge skupine dehumanizirajući ih, uspoređujući ih s majmunima. Simianizacija se dogodila kod raznih etničkih skupina kao što su Židovi, Irci i Azijci, ali se najčešće koristi kao taktika protiv crnaca. Možda mislite da je simianizacija nešto iz prošlosti, ali rasisti i danas uspoređuju Crnce s majmunima, kao što je trend u Europi bacanja banana na crne nogometaše. Na prvi pogled, majmuni u Bored Ape Yacht Clubu mogli bi izgledati nevini, ali postoji nekoliko osobina koje ukazuju na to da su namijenjeni predstavljanju crnaca i azijskih ljudi, kao što je osobina zlatnih lanaca koja se naziva "hip hop", zlato/dijamant grills osobina ili Kamikaze traka za glavu iz fašističkog carskog Japana, uvredljivo nazvana "traka za glavu sushi chefa".

Ja i mnogi drugi primijetili smo probleme sa slikama, očito je to simianizacija. Ako pokrenete pretragu na Twitteru, možete pronaći da ljudi pričaju o tome od početka projekta.
Poznavajući povijest tipova alt-right/4chan u kriptogramu, ja i drugi počeli smo je istraživati. Pronašli smo ono što vjerujemo da je konačan dokaz da skupina koja stoji iza stvaranja ovih slika namjerno ugrađuje nacističke zviždaljke za pse u svoj projekt. Evo kako smo došli do ovog zaključka –

1. Logotip BAYC-a izgleda vrlo slično nacističkom amblemu Totenkopfa, čak sadrži istu količinu zuba u lubanji, 18, broj koji je ADL identificirao da znači Adolfa Hitlera. Oba logotipa također imaju neravni rub, nešto vrlo neobično u drugim kružnim amblemima.
2. Projekt je pokrenula tvrtka pod nazivom Yuga Labs, Kali Yuga je popularan element alt right/tradicionalističke ideologije i Yuga Labs je uložio napor da ugradi ime tradicionalističkog filozofa, René Guénon, koji je zaslužan za dovođenje Kali Yuga u zapadnjačku misao i alt-right ikona, unutar jedne od njihovih zagonetki. Također je ugrađena riječ "makak", poznata rasna uvreda.
Jedan od suosnivača je Gargamel, lik iz Štrumpfova koji je priznat kao antisemetički prikaz Židovske osobe, također uobičajen izraz koji se koristi na 4chanu za razgovor o Židovima. Otkako sam to spomenula, on se potrudio da to sakrije. Gargamelovo pravo ime je Greg Solano, pisac koji je napisao svoj preddiplomski rad o fikciji o nacistima i izrazio je interes za uključivanje lika poput Hansa Reitera (SS časnika) u svoje pisanje.
Drugi suosnivač, Emperor Tomato Ketchup, nosi isto ime kao eksplicitni film iz 1971. koji prikazuje scene dječaka u fašističkoj uniformi koji siluje odraslu nevjestu. Originalni film zabranjen je u SAD-u i drugim zemljama zbog dječje pornografije.

Drugi suosnivač je Gordon Goner, kaže da je odabrao ime jer zvuči kao "Joey Ramone".. budući da grupa koristi anagrame i da uopće ne zvuči kao Joey Ramone, možda je ovo anagram. Naravno, to je anagram cijele riječi za, Drongo (Gordon) Negro (Goner), Drongo je uobičajen 4chan i australski sleng za glup, to je u rječniku kao takva, druga definicija.. Dakle, njegovo ime znači "Glupi crnac". Pisci često koriste anagrame za imena likova, a oni su također često uključeni u videoigre, od kojih su neke Yuga Labs izjavili da igraju. Pravo ime Gordona Gonersa, Wylie Aronow, otkriveno je početkom veljače, o njemu jedva da ima nešto na internetu. Jedina osoba koju sam mogao pronaći koja ga poznaje kaže: "Ne sumnjam da su oni kriptofašisti".
Konačni suosnivač je SASS – SA ili Sturmabteilung bio je izvorno paravojno krilo Nacističke stranke, a SS ili Schutzstaffel je bilo primarno paravojno nacističko krilo. Dakle, njegovo ime, SASS, kombinira dvije primarne nacističke vojne divizije.
Njihova videoigrica, kao i naslovnica Rolling Stonea, prikazuju štakore sa zlatom, ovo je uobičajena antisemitska udruga. U video igrici se nalaze i banane raspoređene tako da izgledaju kao svastike.

Na web stranici Yuga Labsa navode da je još jedna NFT serija, The Hashmasks, bila velika inspiracija. Hashmaske proizvodi švicarska tvrtka Suum Cuique Labs, fraza koju su nacisti koristili na vratima koncentracijskog logora Buchenwald. Fraza je također korištena na licu pruskih kaciga koje se nalaze u kolekciji BAYC-a. Yuga Labs je inspiriran Suum Cuique Labs-om do te mjere da su čak i njihovi Uvjeti pružanja usluge preuzeti od Suum Cuique Labsa. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symb ... erman-flag
Simboli, sadržaj i stav na samim slikama imaju neonacističku ideologiju i ratne reference, poput ove "pruske kacige". Mnoge od specifičnijih osobina dijele se s 4chan pepe memovima.

U intervjuu suosnivač Gargamel priznaje da ništa u zbirci nije "nasumično", da postoji skriveno šifrirano značenje i referencirana "teorija ledenog brijega". U istom intervjuu, Gargamel citira citat Ludwiga Wittgensteina, „neka se neizrecivo prenese neizrecivo“, čini se čudnim ako su samo majmuni iz crtića, zar ne? Koja su njihova druga značenja? Još nisu objasnili i izgledaju vrlo izbjegavajući. Alt-right je poznat po ovoj taktici skrivenih slika i insinuacija. Pogledajte cijeli Gargamel citat

Projekt Yuga Labs, "The Otherside", kao i Bored Ape Yacht Club službeno su pokrenuti 30. travnja, na datum kada je Hitler umro. Virtualna parcela Otherside koju drži suosnivač BAYC-a Emperor Tomato ketchup, ima lik po imenu "Stone Hole Jackson", što je referenca na Generala Konfederacije, "Stonewall Jackson".
E sad, Philion je u problemima jer će ga možda tužiti a dokaza ko u priči da su ovi skriveni nacisti. Evo link gdje taj klub negira rasizam https://www.business2community.com/nft- ... c-02511004 pričali su o tom videu koji se širi netom ali ništa nisu debunkovali već znate što su odgovori na optužbe. Doslovno ovo
“We’ve not responded in further detail to these allegations because frankly they are insanely far-fetched. That said, we woke up this morning to a podcaster we respect talking about this conspiracy theory, and that was pretty surreal,” Goner said.
Hahahah koji odgovor na sve ovo gore a tek video. Jeste li spremni, evo ga i naravno malo vama omiljenih komentara. Obožavam ovu temu, kad sam je otvorio, nisam očekivao ovoliko pregleda, ovoliko podrške od svih vas i da ćemo ovako raskrinkavati stvarno smo dosta toga dosad raskrinkali. Philion stvarno polako postaje legenda youtubea malo tko ima muda za ovako nešto. Idemo dalje, HorrorHR tamnica živi vječno :supz:

You and Karl Jobst are both perfect examples of how journalism is a process. Good journalism can not only be done
on any topic, but it’s always entertaining regardless.
Nicole knows, look at her facial expressions and listen to her wording. She never actually directly denies being racist and she can't help but smile when the interviewer says it for her confirming the con worked.
Yuga Labs just tweeted they have filed a lawsuit bc of this video.
Captivating video from start to finish. I've watched a lot of your vids up to now but for some reason I never saw this until asmongold watched it on stream. Also it was great how you went on to talk to him out of the blue. He said it was one of his favourite vids he'd seen and I have to agree. Well done Philion keep up the great work!
This video has been removed from search results, for seemingly no reason. I applaud your strength to confront this, your braveness, and your journalistic ability. Whatever YouTube is doing to suppress this video is useless and dumb because reaction channels will keep uploading videos about it. This video needs to spread.
Such the insanely details exposure I had ever watched. I don't believe in NFT at most but watching the video just give me another reason to dig down to a bigger picture. Thank you Philion for your contributions.
Holy Shit. This absolutely blew my whole mind! Just wow Philion. Unbelievable job!
One of the best videos I've ever seen, honestly amazing work all round.

Just goes to show how twisted our society is that all you need to do is buy a few influencial people (celebrities) and you can push literally anything, even cryptic racist troll shit.
Absolutely incredible video. The research, The editing, The storytelling, The message. Its a masterpiece. definitely in my top 3 YT videos. Thank you for this.
Phil I've been watching your videos for years and the production value has become phenomenal. You know how to properly educate your audience and bring awareness to things I didn't know I was interested in knowing about. Keep it up, the hard work doesn't go unnoticed.
PHIL!!! This was so well done. One of the best documentaries I’ve seen hands down. The amount of effort you put into this film is clear and I hope this makes waves.
You, alongside names such as Coffeezilla, are breaking ground on serious investigative journalism being more popular and accessible. Came for the roided roasts, stayed for the quality cserious content.
Phil this is one of the best videos to ever be released on this platform. Definitely a hall of fame video thank you for spreading the word.
Holy f*ck, this is Batman's level of detective work. Finding the connection between all these individuals, researching their backgrounds, paper trails, going into the internet rabbit hole, decoding ciphers, finding symbolism in imagery, connections to history and religion. Bravo, man. Like many, I didn't pay attention to the nft apes. But one day I went on twitter and saw a bored ape version of Tom holland as Spider-man and Zendaya, but it was immediately taken down because the one of Zendaya looked more like a racist caricature. It all makes sense now.
Philion! You have grown as a content creator!! From exposing these steroid junky kids to this amazing video!! Props to you bruh
Holy shit a full on documentary this man has leveled up beyond what any of us expected
I'm baffled. 20 minutes in and I feel like I'm in a creepy politics thriller. Hope this goes through the roof!
Coincidences can happen but this many… it’s just too ridiculous to think there is plausible deniability somewhere in here. What a great job by Ryder Ripps, and you put it incredibly well together Phillion. Mad props! 🔥
Phill, the change in style and direction of this channel is truly incredible. Every video has always hit perfectly and I'm a massive fan of the direction the channel is going with this heavier hitting investigative journalism. You should be proud of yourself.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 28 Jun 2022, 20:21

Kako....ti se....jebeno da???? :facepalm: :lol: :lol: :lol: :zubifale: :kokicarenje:


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 28 Jun 2022, 21:11

Bit će toga još, tek smo počeli :kokicarenje: :supz:
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 05 Jul 2022, 02:37

Došlo je vrijeme da opet raskrinkamo Stevena Seagala. Na ovoj temi smo više puta raskrinkali iste osobe među kojima je Stevo, ali ovo će biti posljednji put da ćemo raskrinkati Seagala i oprostit ćemo se od njega. Dosadašnji video o njemu su bili o njegovom egu, i njegovim lažima i kako je izgradio tu personu ali svi ti videi su bili humorističnog tona. Ovaj posljednji put video koji ćete vidjeti je jako ozbiljan jer raskrinkava zašto je Seagal naglo pao. Sjetimo se da je Seagal počeo 1988. godine i imao niz hitova do tamo 1998. godine i u tih 10 godina postao je zvijezda no onda slijedi nagli pad što je samo po sebi sumnjivo jer sve zvijezde su trajale desetljećima. Ovaj video govori o tome.

Ono što ćete vidjeti je šokantno, Seagalova povezanost sa mafijaškom obitelji Gambino koji su dobivali određeni dio para za njegove najveće hitove a zašto? Zato što Seagalov menađer tada je bio jedan od najmoćnijih u hollywoodu i posebno je volio Seagala a taj njegov menađer kao što ćete vidjeti u videu je znao ove iz Gambino obitelji. Taj menađer se zove Michael Ovitz. Treći čovjek koji je igrao veliku ulogu u Seagolovoj karijeri je Julius Nasso, producent koji je radio na mnogo Seagolovih filmova.
Nasso je bio uključen u šestogodišnju pravnu bitku sa svojim bivšim dugogodišnjim suradnikom Stevenom Seagalom nakon što je njihov poslovni odnos okončan 2000. Njih su dvojica bili "najbolji prijatelji", prema Seagalu, i zajedno su osnovali Seagal/Nasso Productions, ali njihov je odnos na kraju postao napet. Vjerujući da mu Seagal duguje 3 milijuna dolara odštete za odustajanje od ugovora o četiri filma, Nasso je angažirao članove kriminalne obitelji Gambino da zaprijete Seagalu u pokušaju da nadoknade novac koji je Nasso navodno izgubio. Kapetan obitelji Gambino Anthony Ciccone prvi je put posjetio Seagala u Torontu tijekom snimanja filma Exit Wounds u listopadu 2000. U siječnju 2001. Primo Cassarino i drugi gangsteri pokupili su Seagala automobilom kako bi ga odvezli na sastanak s Cicconeom u restoranu u Brooklynu. Na sastanku je Ciccone otvoreno rekao Seagalu da ima izbor snimiti četiri obećana filma s Nassom ili platiti Nassu kaznu od 150.000 dolara po filmu. Ako Seagal odbije, Ciccone bi ga ubio. Seagal, koji je kasnije tvrdio da je na sastanak ponio pištolj, uspio je zaustaviti Cicconea i neozlijeđen pobjeći sa sastanka. Ciccone i Cassarino ponovno su posjetili Seagala u njegovom domu u Los Angelesu sljedeći mjesec. U proljeće 2001. Seagal je tražio još jednog mafijaša, kapetana kriminalne obitelji Genovese Angela Prisca, da djeluje kao "mirotvorac". Posjetio je Prisca u zatvoru u Rahwayu, New Jersey, i platio Priscovom odvjetniku 10.000 dolara.
I baš tad kad se sve to dogodilo sa Gambino obitelji, Seagal pada i to jako. Više ga nema u kinima niti snima dobre akcijske filmove.

You really should do this as a full career! This is very in depth and detailed. Thank you for this and continue making more of these!
OUTSTANDING WORK! This is the kind of transparency desperately needed to unmask the true evil in Hollywood & pop culture. Ty for ur courage & integrity. Every type of video uv been put out have been interesting, entertaining, educational & funny. Keep it up Steven. Semper fidelis.
I train with miyako sensei several times in her dojo in Osaka where Steven seagal use to teach..
And you can’t say his name because all things he did..
Miyako sensei is a wonderful woman and teacher . He used her to his own goals.
I worked at a haunted horror attraction in PA back in 2000 when I was a senior in highschool. A guy who helped with the SFX also worked on Fire Down Below and said a group of special needs kids came to visit the set and meet Seagal but he stormed off and refused because they didn't go thru his agent or some crap. Seagal is indeed a creep.
I remember watching Under Siege when it was released and being amazed at how far Seagal’s career had come. It really seemed to be a massive step up from all the other films he had been in up to that point. Little did I know that it would all be down hill from there.
Man I hate this. I loved this guy in the 80's when I first saw Above the Law. I even started training Aikido because of him. He could have gone on to be legendary like Stalone or Clint if he hadn't been a psyhco.
You Killed this one. I've gone down the Seagal rabbit hole many times already but I've learned a bunch of new things from this mini-doc.
Zbogom Steven Seagal, tvoje raskrinkavanje je kompletirano.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 05 Jul 2022, 09:14

Legenda! kaj pričaš ti pa najjači je frajer


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 09 Sep 2022, 00:18

Oh da uskoro neke zanimljive stvari
Last edited by Michel on 29 Sep 2022, 22:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 10 Sep 2022, 00:15

O ne, kad vidim ove brojčeke, zbrajanja i množenja dobijem proljev....


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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 10 Sep 2022, 00:16

Mislim da će 3. svjetski rat službeno započeti s VELIKIM projektilima. Mislim da će treći svjetski rat biti JAKO kratak rat. Mnogi ljudi će nestati i reći će da je to bila vanzemaljska otmica i da svatko treba dobiti oznaku da bude "zaštićen" od otmice. Mislim da će ova oznaka također biti potrebna za kupnju ili prodaju. Vjerujem da je vanzemaljska otmica povratak našeg KRALJA i SPASITELJA Isusa Krista!



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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by Michel » 12 Sep 2022, 22:25

Naivan si kao francuska sobarica kako bi rekao tvoj prijatelj Ivan Pernar. Elita je sotonistička i otvoreno mrze Isusa Krista kao niti jednu drugu osobu. Evo ti samo jedan od mnogih evidence videa o tome. Kanal se zove off the kirb ministries, čovjek je vjernik i jedan od boljih kanala na tu temu i evo kako razotkriva ugovor od Neymara koji je bio poznat po onoj marami na glavi na kojoj je pisao 100% Jesus. To je sad zabranjeno u ugovoru od PSG-a

Isus se ne smije spominjati to elita ne želi. Zato ne vole Tysona Furija jer uvijek spomene Isusa nakon pobijede, pogotovo nakon Wildera koji je predstavljao elitu. Samo da više pratiš na satu, znao bi kako se vodi rat, ponajprije spiritualni rat. Poanta svega drago moj Ryderu je da elita zbilja vjeruje u sotonu i štuje ga. A to što ti ne vjeruješ u Boga je drugi par rukava, ali se samo zapitaj zar ti nije sumnjivo kako elite vjeruju u sotonu i sotonisti su. Otuda krenu i shvatit ćeš istinu što se događa.
I was an Aethiest before and now have accepted Lord Jesus, I will never forget how he saved my life from car accident after when I was unconsious Lord Jesus appeared I cant see his face coz of ao much light but After he said "I love you" I woke up and I was in hospital and screamed " JESUS" thankyou" All Glory is to God❤🙏✝️😭
My life would not have a meaning without Jesus. I love Jesus with all my heart. He is the savior of the whole world, and my faith in him will never die.
I love Jesus Christ so much He protects me and my family and friends and I'm still trying to keep his commandments.
I've always wondered why speaking about Jesus gets such a violent, vulgar response. It's like you poured boiling water on them. You can say whatever you want and nobody has an issue with you. If you say "Jesus Christ died for us", the WHOLE room pulls back and gets weird about it. Why is that? I believe it's because it's the truth and deep down they know there's power in that
Wow the fact that they are willing to pay that insane amount to not have the lords name spoken says so so much. It is insanely powerful and the powers that be know it
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Re: Raskrinkavanja (fraudi, zavjere i ostalo)

Post by John_Ryder » 13 Sep 2022, 00:27

Vodim svoj život, nemam vremena "pratiti" "elitu".


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