Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by John_Ryder » 17 Mar 2023, 17:10

john_constantine wrote:
17 Mar 2023, 12:48
Michel wrote:
17 Mar 2023, 11:04
Kako su budalaštine kad doslovno imaš i dokazanih zavjera mali milijun. Samo pogledaj 20. stoljeće sve što se dokazalo i onda netko kaže budalaštine :facepalm: pa više bi se trebalo ismijavat ljude koji ne vjeruju u zavjere nego one koji vjeruju. Malo si bolje to istraži.
Koje su to zavjere dokazane? :kokicarenje:
Ona da se nešto veliko trebalo dogoditi prošle godine u rujnu pa nije.Pa su se postovi brisali.


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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 18 Mar 2023, 02:44

john_constantine wrote:
17 Mar 2023, 12:48
Michel wrote:
17 Mar 2023, 11:04
Kako su budalaštine kad doslovno imaš i dokazanih zavjera mali milijun. Samo pogledaj 20. stoljeće sve što se dokazalo i onda netko kaže budalaštine :facepalm: pa više bi se trebalo ismijavat ljude koji ne vjeruju u zavjere nego one koji vjeruju. Malo si bolje to istraži.
Koje su to zavjere dokazane? :kokicarenje:
Isuse Cons, imaš doslovno više tema u kojima sam pisao o njima. Na ovoj temi najmanje jer se radi kao što vidiš iz naslova o znanosti, prirodi, društvu, misterijama i tako takvi youtube kanali ali ajde prvo samo kreni od toga što je zavjera... Zavjera je kada imaš najmanje troje ljudi gdje dvoje od njih rade zavjeru protiv trećeg. Kreni samo od toga. Doći ćeš do onih koje se najčešće događaju, a to su političke. Svaka afera ti je zavjera jer se zataškava. Samo što sama riječ ZAVJERA ima krivu težinu i onda ljudi koji su skeptici zaboravljaju ovo što ja pišem. A znaš zašto riječ ZAVJERA ima takvu težinu? Zato što među zavjere spadaju i one fantastične o UFO, kriptozologiji, razno raznim eksperimentima i te su najpopularnije pa mnogi zaboravljaju na ove političke kojih ima po cijelom svijetu.

Svaka afera kod nas je bila zavjera. Zataškalo se nešto, a to znači da je bilo više ljudi uključeno koji su skrivali nešto (uglavnom novce, korupciju, mito) i krilo se od naroda, policije, suda. Sanader je bio u zavjeri, Nadan također. To je samo kod nas.

Uzmi ameriku i krenu u 70-e, afera Watergate. Richard Nixon zataškava i radi zavjeru. Mislim, MK ULTRA je dokazana zavjera gdje je CIA eksperimentirala nad ljudima to je dokazano nije to nikakva teorija. Pogledaj samo u što je sve CIA uključena u kakva zataškavanja u vezi droge i Irana. Mislim, mogu ih do sutra nabrajat. Pa recimo operacija Paperclip, i to se zataškalo sve dok se nije otkrilo sve to o nacističkim znanstvenicima. Zavjera su to od pamtivijeka, događaju se stalno samo što ljudi ne vole biti etiketirani pa rađe ismijavaju, a oni su ti koji ispadaju smiješni a ne mi koji vjerujemo to jest znamo da postoje. Al eto, valjda je zadrtim skepticima ljepše vjerovati da je sve u redu, nema nikakvih problema u svijetu, svaka vlada je tip top nema nikakvih zataškavanja :P

A onda ulazimo u TEORIJU ZAVJERE, to su one koje nisu dokazane službeno ali imaju dokaza jer svaka teorija ima i dokaza, samo što je nije službeno priznata.
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by john_constantine » 18 Mar 2023, 13:30

Mah, politika kao politika... To nisu zavjere, već činjenice...

Mene zanima jesu li našli onog diva u afganistanu koji je pobio američke vojnike?
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by John_Ryder » 18 Mar 2023, 14:21

john_constantine wrote:
18 Mar 2023, 13:30
Mah, politika kao politika... To nisu zavjere, već činjenice...

Mene zanima jesu li našli onog diva u afganistanu koji je pobio američke vojnike?
Mišel ga je našao i sad ga čuva u štali


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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by john_constantine » 18 Mar 2023, 19:14

John_Ryder wrote:
18 Mar 2023, 14:21
john_constantine wrote:
18 Mar 2023, 13:30
Mah, politika kao politika... To nisu zavjere, već činjenice...

Mene zanima jesu li našli onog diva u afganistanu koji je pobio američke vojnike?
Mišel ga je našao i sad ga čuva u štali
Michel puši karu.

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 25 Mar 2023, 00:58

Ovo mi je predobar video. Uvijek su mi bile zanimljive te sprave za mučenje. Ovaj The Rack kako bolesno :prayer: i ne shvaćam zašto se ne snimi neki film o tome, čak i ne treba biti smješten u to doba, ali recimo neki krimi film gdje neka krimi organizacija koristi te stare sprave za mučenje. Ili neki horor film.

Stalak je sprava za mučenje koja se sastoji od pravokutnog, obično drvenog okvira, malo uzdignutog od tla, s valjkom na jednom ili oba kraja. Gležnjevi žrtve su pričvršćeni za jedan valjak, a zapešća lancima za drugi. Kako ispitivanje napreduje, ručka i zaporni mehanizam pričvršćeni na gornji valjak koriste se za postupno uvlačenje lanaca, polako povećavajući pritisak na ramena, kukove, koljena i laktove zatvorenika i uzrokujući nesnošljivu bol. Pomoću remenica i poluga, ovaj se valjak mogao okretati oko vlastite osi, naprežući tako užad sve dok zglobovi oboljelog nisu bili iščašeni i na kraju razdvojeni. Osim toga, ako se mišićna vlakna pretjerano rastegnu, ona gube sposobnost kontrakcije, što ih čini neučinkovitima.

Jedan užasan aspekt previše rastegnutog na stalku je glasno pucketanje koje proizvodi pucanje hrskavice, ligamenata ili kostiju.[potreban citat] Druga metoda za vršenje pritiska na zatvorenike bila je prisiljavanje da gledaju kako je netko drugi izložen stalku. [potreban citat] Zatvaranje zatvorenika na rešetku omogućilo je istovremenu primjenu daljnjih mučenja, obično uključujući spaljivanje bokova vrućim bakljama ili svijećama ili korištenje "štipaljki napravljenih s posebno grubim hvatovima za čupanje noktiju prstiju na rukama i nogama" ili klizanje tankih komadića užarenog ugljena između parova susjednih nožnih prstiju. Obično bi žrtvi bila razdvojena ramena i kukovi, a laktovi, koljena, zapešća i gležnjevi iščašeni.
Ne stvarno, gdje su filmovi o tome. Pa ovo je idealno za filmove, kako se tog nitko nije sjetio.
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 27 Mar 2023, 02:16

Oduvijek sam volio horor priče iz ratova, ali one supernatural ili o čudnim bićima i nevjerojatno mi je koliko vojnici vide nešto čudno u ratu. Za svaki rat koji sam čitao prvi svjetski, drugi, vijetnamski pa čak i naš ima dosta vojnika koji su rekli da su vidjeli čudna stvorenja, duhove svašta nešto. Evo jedan video o tome što su neki vidjeli u vijetnamu. I komentari su ful zanimljivi jer svi su čuli za takve priče. Ljudi se javljaju u komentarima i pričaju kako su im njihovi ujkovi, očevi pričali o tome.

My wife is Thai and claims to have seen what they called a SeeWee. Her father was in the Thai Army and served in Laos during the Vietnam war. He knew of these animals. Nobody in my wife’s family ever doubted the sighting she had as a small girl!
I worked as a Temp Mail Handler for US Postal Service in 1990. I was 18 at the time. I worked along side quite a few ex marines and other retired military that served in the Vietnam War. At break, they spoke about certain things that happen in Vietnam. A few of those stories were about the Rock Apes. One particular story that one co-worker of mine at the time (Harold) spoke of. He was assigned to a transport Helicopter (Door Gunner). They would fly over a certain path through some hillsides and these rock apes
My father fought for the CIA during the Vietnam War alongside General Vang Pao. There were stories told by many Hmong people of the same creatures. They called them Pee You Wai. These creatures were reported to have a roaring sound that paralyzed anyone who was close by. When threatened, they would make a roaring sound that accompanied by high winds that could bend tall trees to the ground.
My late father SFC US Army retired, did 3 tours in Viet Nam, told a story about Rock Apes throwing stones at his troops on the perimeter one night, his soldiers blew their claymore mines thinking the enemy was upon them. Upon examination he said they killed a reddish brown ape 5 feet tall with their mines. There are no known apes in SE Asia, so what did Dad's troops kill that night? Very fascinating, thanks for the video.
My uncle was in Vietnam and told me about these rock apes. He said they would actually throw rocks at them. Said his unit was behind enemy lines and one came out after them and they had to kill it but couldn't shoot because a shot would given away their position. He didn't like talking about any part of his time over there
My oldest brother mentioned the Rock Apes a couple of times. He was in Vietnam. If you ever watch Gomer Pyle you might see the top of his head. He is in one of squads marching in the beginning credits.
Same thing happened to the marines establishing beach heads on Pacific islands. They were attacked by large ape men. Fellow soldiers always told stories about encountering rock throwing apes and f*#kyou lizards while on patrol. Every counties natives has a name for them. With all these sights and scientist still refuse to accept ape-men as something worthy of investigation.
My friends Dad was Special Forces in Vietnam. One day while drinking beers he told me about walking a patrol at night looking for a specific VC Camp. He said it was pitch black and he lost the guy in front of him. He said he say an outline of someone and he started to move that way. He followed the figure for about 20 yards when it went straight up a tree. Scared the shit out of him. Said it smelled like musk
The story about the lizard men on the Ho Chi Man trail is probably the creepiest story I've ever heard come out of Vietnam. If anyone has heard of a creepier story can you let me know please. Have a good day 🙏
My father, SSGT Stephen Gonzalez 173rd Abn, once and only once told my brother and I about a time he and his platoon encountered the rock apes. They were walking through the jungle along a cliff and all of a sudden they started betting pelted by little rocks. The rocks got bigger and started hitting members of his platoon. They looked up and saw "hairy human like" creatures. The creatures started getting more aggressive so the platoon leader ordered them to open fire. As they started firing some of the creatures were hit. Others ran off into the jungle. My dad said there were about 20 of them and they killed a few and injured more. His platoon leader said..."This never happened." They recouped, reloaded and started moving toward their check point.
My dad told the story with much more detail. He didnt talk much about Vietnam...we didnt ask many questions about his time there but when he would talk about it he was very detailed and my brother and I would listen intently to him.
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 03 May 2023, 04:15

Odličan video o nestajanjima na toj jednoj planini dosta tajnovitog i mističnog.

I am Zimbabwean and i think the number one problems with those who will disregard the stories they are told by locals because they see it as mere superstition. My father told me a mermaid incident that took place in the village he grew up in... Masvingo, Gutu. His father was part of the group that witnessed what happened at that place. But growing up they knew the place had a mermaid and he said even during a drought when most rivers were dry, that little pond/spring would never ever dry never.
I’m from Zimbabwe and I’m still stunned people even try to still go and visit that place 😁 you also pronounced the places and names really well hey ❤️
If the locals say to leave it alone... leave it alone
Thanks for sharing, Adam!
I am from around the area. The locals belong to same tribe as myself. I climbed the mountain once about 30 years ago and had an experience and I belive the ancestors were looking after us. W knew before hand about how to conduct oneself while up there but we still got tested.. For us, the test was a darting rabbit that we saw as we were climbing up. We never made a comment.
It was as clear as the blue sky. Once up the peak,my friend asked me if I wanted to continue. I said let us head back and there was no further discussion. When we got back to the foot of the mountain and looked up back,the mountain was engulfed in thick fog and we couldnt see beyond a few yards. We survived thru sheer luck.

If you climb mountain Nyanganiand see "funny" things(trees that look like women with bare breasts,animals,funny rock features etc), do not comment. Keep it moving! That may save your life.
Always, always, always listen to the locals. Whether you believe in the paranormal or not. If it’s extremely dangerous, for whatever reason, they will know.
I used to live in Hawaii and visitors were always dying doing things that locals would never do. There are signs everywhere and even warning videos in the airport as you wait for your luggage.
“Don’t swim on empty beaches. If no one swims there; there’s a reason. Dangerous riptide currents etc.” )
It seemed like at least once a week someone would die of doing something reckless and ignoring warnings.
Seeing people disrespect signs about sacred places was also very hurtful.
If the locals talk to you about how sacred their mountain is: believe them.
I grew up in Inyanga and a lot of mysterious things happened up there. When I was in seventh grade in 1988 I refused to go up that mountain for a school trip and a student disappeared during that trip she was found days later wandering in a village far from the mountain. People where always told not to say anything whilst on the mountain even if you saw something strange.
Very interesting! My brother has a friend who is native and he was telling my brother how he got lost in dense forest 2 times and both times he was in what he called "alive treecal" (not sure of spelling)? He described it as a heavy forested area that comes alive at night!? So it was important to get up in a tree and stay there until morning, he was saying the Earth itself is a predator in some areas.
I think that the mountain has a portal and it is possible to go from one dimension to another. This would explain why the one group of ppl that thought they were up there for only hours was actually days. This also can explain why the search crew did not hear them because there may be a invisible vail that does not allow sound to transfer from one dimension to another.
I'm also from Zimbabwe. Having spent a lot of time in Nyanga, there is definitely something strange and otherworldy about Mt Inyangani that science can't explain. Sadly, the man who disappeared had a niece who was in my class at school. Based on strange sightings of UFOs in the region, it has been speculated that it is highly connected with Alien activity.
Najdraže su mi te misterije o nestajanjima u šumama i planinama. Nevjerojatne stvari se tamo događaju.
Tajanstveni Nyangani pod nadimkom "Planina koja guta", domaćin je mnogih priča o nestancima i čudnim pojavama. Čini se da ljudi tamo gore imaju načina nestati s lica Zemlje, što se čini mogućim s obzirom na to koliko se brzo magla može navući, ali ne objašnjava zašto ih je toliko nestalo bez traga. Mještani upozoravaju da ako naiđete na šarenu zmiju, tinjajući lonac bez vatre ili zlatnu ciglu, najbolje je zanemariti ono što ste vidjeli i nikome s kim niste ništa o tome reći. Također postoje izvješća o životinjama koje se neujednačeno ponašaju i to također treba zanemariti. Jedan Britanac 2014. godine, koji je tamo planinario, upao je u gustu maglu i sagnuo se čekajući da prođe, tvrdio je da se činilo da neka stvorenja kruže oko njega izvan vidokruga. Nije reagirao na to i živio je da ispriča priču. Drugi kažu da zlonamjerni duhovi guraju ljude s izbočina, a neki planinari izvješćuju o vrtoglavici i dezorijentaciji. Dvije tinejdžerice nestale su 1981. godine, bile su kćeri ministra financija i unatoč opsežnim pretragama na terenu i iz zraka nikada nije pronađen nikakav trag djevojaka. Godine 1986. osmogodišnjak je nestao dok je planinario planinom, ponovno bez ikakvog traga. Posljednji je prijavljen nestanak 2013., a nakon iskustva tipa iz 2014. sada je potreban vodič svima koji planinare u parku.
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by John_Ryder » 03 May 2023, 10:58

E jbg, ovo mi je zanimljivo :kokicarenje:


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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by John_Ryder » 04 May 2023, 23:14

hitman_4 wrote: ↑Wed Dec 22, 2021 21:48 pm
nikome se ovdje ne može vjerovati , pogotovo M kojemu je ovo 2. ili 3. profil. Previše puta ulovljen u laži


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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 08 May 2023, 11:05

Ovaj slučaj je baš jeziv, jedan od Missing 411 slučajeva koje je popularizirao David Paulides

think it's highly likely that the FBI knows more than they are letting on. It seems they may know who or have some suspicion of who placed the bodies in the ditch. It seems someone wanted them found which could mean they knew each other. It could also be that he (the driver) could've been startled by someone which caused him to wreck. We'll probably never know what really happened, but my heart goes out to the child who will never know their parents. 😢🙏💔
Good to hear your voice as always Adam. Take Care & God Bless you. 🙏💜🤗 Happy Birthday Adam!!! 👑🎁🎂🥰💜🙏🤗🎉
This world is not what we think it is. Be careful in the wild because you might just encounter something seriously sinister. Love your content as always. Awooooo
oh wow, I remember this being shown on Unsolved Mysteries long long ago. Its mostly been forgotten, I'm really happy to see you covering it. Native populations have a big problem with disappearances and murders and don't get nearly the media coverage they deserve.
Been with my wife 15 years. She is not a person to make things up. She saw a being next to her doghouse. She was 15 feet away from it. She ran back into her house, petrified. There are things in this world that we have no clue about. Stay safe
I think for whatever reason arnold got out and went into the woods and ruby went to go look for him and they never found eachother and both died of exposure in seperate areas then bigfoots found there bodies and returned them to the ditch so they could be found. Makes sense to me.
This case is bonkers. This is serious supernatural shit. Well done adam. Excellent stuff.
Greetings from The Emerald Isle
They were abducted and they were brought back to where they were taken after the experiments they did failed and died from it
Bizarre is the word.
Satan is REAL. The did NOT die of exposure
I ovo je točno svaki takav slučaj spomenute su neki monsteri poput Bigfoota i FBI te glavni u nacionalnom parku to zataškavaju, a ljudi nestaju i pronalaze ih na nemogućim mjestima.
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by john_constantine » 08 May 2023, 11:09

U današnje vrijeme kad svaka šuša ima mobitel, nigdje nema slika niti snimki?

Jel se i njima gase mobiteli kao kod vojnika u alfganistanu kada ih napadnu divovski potomci anđela?
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Inferno » 08 May 2023, 11:23

Bravo Mihaela, imat ću materijala za veliku nuždu večeras

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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by Michel » 09 Jun 2023, 02:15

Odličan video od Nicka Jonesa

I agree with sister. My dad molested me and my mom raised me and my sister. I became bisexual then gay. But I'm still fighting the urge to be with a woman. Pray for me please!🙏
I was living as a bi-sexual when I was saved by Jesus Christ and It really hit home when she talked about how the Church deals with these types of sin. You are afraid to talk about it. You are afraid to admit that you still have temptations but as she said you now have the power to overcome sin!!! Her story was very similar to mine and I can see how the enemy can trick you when you are so young. We need more of us to speak out about the power of God to overcome. Praise the Lord for this testimony!!!
Jackie Hill Perry’s testimony is AWESOME 👏🏽 And you can hear the anointing of God in her voice! Preach it sister!!! Hallelujah amen 🙏🏽 To God be the GLORY! We must preach the TRUTH of God’s word with love ❤️ because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Blessings to all! 😇🕊️🦋
My dad is my everything, I was bullied by most females n I got more comfortable with boys. I loved boys clothes, enjoyed being around boys. To me my sexuality was never a question. But because people saw me as a tomboy they decided I was lesbian. It did get to me, I did try to have or force myself to be attracted to girls. But I never was. I thank God for helping me out of that toxic space around those people. I understood I was a girl. I still love boys clothes, but now I’m also into long dresses and girls clothes. I love love my dad and my male best friend for over 12 years who has never seen me as a boy, is currently my boyfriend. He loves God, and for some reason I feel like God needed me to go through all that for me to be who I am.
Wow. What a powerful testimony. Everyone should be praying for her because the enemy will try to destroy her because she is reaching people for Christ.
Best testimony I have ever heard. Best explanation of how Jesus works through you. The explanation about church people and lack of concern was on point from what I have experienced. Been members of several and all have clicks like high school and if talk they want to tell you about sin. Only knowing the love of Jesus can help a person-making them feel judged just makes it worse for them. So many Christians go to church, carry Bibles, write and sell books…. but few actually live life as Jesus ask us to. Your story needs to be heard everywhere. God has given you a gift and please never stop sharing.
This was incredible and I relate to it 100%. I'm same sex attracted but a little over a month ago I asked Jesus to change me from the inside out. A few hours later that day, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit like I have never ever felt before and broke down in tears not because I was sad but because the truth of my sinful life style had been revealed to me. My sin that was offensive to God was clear as day and I could no longer deny it. God was calling me in that moment to repent of my sin and live as a new person.

I accepted Jesus years ago and I feel like I have always had a pretty good relationship with him but I would cherry pick what it was that I wanted Him to change instead of just giving him my entire life.

Since that day a month ago, I feel like a new person and though I still struggle with temptation, sin no longer consumes my life. I have the power of the Holy Spirit within me to empower me to overcome temptation.

Praise Jesus.
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Re: Youtube kanali (znanost, priroda i društvo, misteriji i ostalo).

Post by John_Ryder » 09 Jun 2023, 08:55

Isus spašava od satane!


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